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I don't know why I'm sitting here, waiting for Addison to come.

She could be lying to me, spitting lies to make me look like a complete dumbass.

But when I was talking to her yesterday in the mall, I could see the regret in her eyes as she spoke.

I just want closure and see if she's lying to me. If she's telling the truth, then I would have no hate for her.

If Ethan told her he was single and went to hook up with her, it was completely his fault.

I was sitting at a table by myself, nervously sipping on my Ice Coffee. I didn't know if she wanted anything so I didn't order anything for her.

My leg was bouncing up and down as I waited for her to show up. She's not late or anything.

I ended up coming ten minutes early. As I sit there, I hear the bell ring above the door.

I snap my head over to look. I see her step in, looking equally as nervous. She scans the room for me for a minute.

When her eyes land on mine, I can see her get a little more nervous. I tried to give her a smile, showing I wasn't pissed.

She orders a drink and she comes over towards me with it in her hand. "Thanks for meeting with me." She lightly smiled.

She sat in the chair across from me. "It's no problem. I just wanted some closure." I tell her honestly.

From what I could tell, she seemed really sweet. But it could be a front so I'm keeping a guard up.

"I understand why you're upset, but I promise, I had no idea." She repeated what she said yesterday.

I nodded as she started re countering the night. Apparently she was playing beer pong with friends when he came up.

He started flirting and that lead them to go upstairs and me finding them a couple minutes later.

I honestly believe the story. He was no where to be found for hours. And I've noticed him doing it before at other parties.

"I'm not upset or mad at you at all." I tell her honestly. She doesn't look like the type to hook up with someones boyfriend on purpose.

She started smiling a little. "Hopefully one day we can be friends." She had hope on her voice.

I nodded my head, wanting to give her a chance to prove herself. "That sounds like a good idea." She smiled.

We ended up talking at the coffee shop for a long time. Almost two hours, we sat there talking and laughing.

She told me stories and what she does for a living. I told her how I dance and I teach it.

When Colby told me that this happened for a reason, maybe this was it.

Maybe gaining a new friend was the reason. But I couldn't be too sure yet.

When I got done at the coffee shop, I drove to dance to teach. Since Colby's been away to film, I've been spending a lot of time here.

He should be here tomorrow and I'll be able to catch him up on everything soon.

Dance felt like it dragged on. But when it ended, I was kinda glad. I drove back home to see Avery and Tyler watching a movie.

I didn't want to bother them so I went to make some cereal. I made it and went back to my room.

I put on a movie so I can chill out for a little bit. It's been a long ass day. Right when I finished it, I got a phone call from Colby.

I quickly pause the movie and answer the call. "Missing me yet?" He asked cockily when I answer.

"I will hang up this call." I tease him, causing him to laugh. "How's filming going?" I ask curious.

I could feel his smile through the phone. "Really well, I'm excited for you to see it." He smiled.

I wasn't going to admit it to him, but I did miss him. We've been hanging out a lot recently.

When he's not filming and I'm not dancing, we hang out a lot.

We're either watching something or doing something to pass the time.

Colby and I talk for a while, but he had to go pack everything up.

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. The next morning, I spent it trying to clean my room.

I've been so busy recently, I haven't had time to clean my room.

I had my Airpods in so I could listen to music. Colby's gotten me into some pretty dope artists.

As I dumped my dirty clothes in my hamper, I see Tyler standing at my door.

I pause the music and look over at him. "You good?" I ask placing my hands on my hips.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the gym with me." I still had a few hours until Colby came.

And I needed to get a good workout in. So I agreed. I put on leggings and a matching sports bra while putting on my hair up.

Once it's in a ponytail, we head out, me making him drive. I feel like I haven't hung out with just Tyler in forever.

He's been busy with Avery while I've been busy with dance or my new group of friends.

He had on rap while we drive to Planet Fitness. "When is Colby coming back?" He asked making conversation.

"He didn't specify what time exactly." I tell him. I can tell he likes Colby. For the past couple of years, he's just had me and Avery.

So I think he's happy to have another guy in the group. I could tell he was thinking of something.

But he didn't say anything. When we get to Planet Fitness, we go to the treadmills.

We were at the gym for good couple hours. We ran on the treadmills, I helped him spot, and I worked on my legs.

As we were walking out, I saw a familiar brunette walking towards us. Whenever I realized it was Ethan, I grabbed onto Tyler.

He saw what I saw and I felt him tense up. Ethan saw us and I could see his face drop.

He came strutting towards us. "Cassie!" I heard him yell as we start to walk faster.

He starts to jog towards us while we head to the car. "Cassie! Wait a second!" He yells again.

I hear him inch closer as we get to the car. Tyler unlocks the car while I turn over to him.

He was a lot closer to me than I expected causing me to jump back and lean against the car.

"Can we talk?" He begged towards me. I just shake my head while I open my door.

"I don't want to hear anything you have to fucking say." I point to his face.

He takes a step back and shakes his head. "Don't fucking talk to me again." I spit in his face.

I get in the car and close it. Tyler quickly drives away from Ethan.

As he drives away, I look at Ethan through the rearview mirror. He just stood there and watched us drive away.

"You okay, Cas?" He asked worriedly. I was just actually happy that he didn't try anything.

I force a smile onto my face while I look at my best friend. "I'll be fine." I wasn't just telling him.

I was telling myself too. When we get to our apartment, he lets me walk in first.

When I walk in, I see a familiar figure standing in the kitchen. I could feel a big smile grew on my face.

A big smile grew on Colby's face too while he stuck a grape in his mouth. "Took you forever to work out." He teased me.

I just roll my eyes while a smirk grew on my face. As I got closer to him, his ocean blue eyes followed me.

"I have so much to catch you up on."

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