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I looked at my outfit while I waited for Colby to come pick me up. He told me to dress casual but warm.

I didn't know what he had planned or if this was a date. I'm gonna assume it's not a date and it's just two friends hanging out.

I had on black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, a black long sleeved undershirt, and large gray t-shirt.

It was casual, but I think it looked pretty good. As I looked at myself, Tyler walked passed.

From behind the mirror, I could see him look at me confused.

"You going out?" He asked while I turned over to him. "Do I look too homeless?" I was honestly stressing out.

I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard but I didn't want to look like I wasn't trying enough.

Tyler looked at my outfit and back up at my face. "You look fine to me." He spoke.

"Where are you going?" He asked still confused. "Colby and I are hanging out." I could tell he was even more confused.

I sighed while he came over and sat on my bed. "Is it a date?" I could see the gears trying to shift in his head.

I sit down in my office chair so I could explain it to him. I tell him how Colby's taking me somewhere but didn't say where.

When I get done explaining, he thinks for a second. "That sounds like a date, Cass." He has a slight smile.

I know he wants to see me happy with a guy after how Ethan treated me.

But I don't think it was a date. I scrunch my nose a little bit towards him.

"I don't think it's a date." He started shaking his head towards me.

"It's late, he's coming to get you for a surprise location, and you're worried about your outfit." He listed off.

As he did list it off, I had my lips pursed. "That's what I thought, you're going on a date." I didn't feel like arguing with him so I didn't say anything.

Plus I got a message from Colby saying he just pulled in. I stood up so I could leave.

"I'll be back later." I push his head back while I walk away. I grab my keys from my counter and head out.

I was nervous about what he had planned. But when I saw him waiting for me, it all went away.

He was leaned up against his car, and he looked really good. He had on black skinny jeans, a hoodie, and a jean jacket.

I won't lie, he looked really good right now. He didn't even have to try, he looked good in almost anything.

"Hi." I simply say when I walk closer to him. He ran his fingers through his hair while he stood up fully.

"How was the zoo?" I ask as we get into the car. "It was really fun. It would've been more fun if you were there." He pouted.

I frown along with him as he starts driving. I feel like there was a deeper message behind it but I couldn't tell.

"How was dance?" He asked nicely. "Tiring but it went really well." I smile towards him.

He had his eyes focused on the traffic while he drove. I swallow deeply as I start to get nervous again.

"This weekend is our first competition in San Diego." I explain to him. I could see his eyebrows raise while he glanced at me.

"Wait, for real?" He asked with surprise laced on his voice. I could feel my face get red while I bit onto my bottom lip.

"I was actually wondering if you wanted to come watch." I sounded more nervous than I actually was.

Even though he was driving, he snapped his head over towards me. I could see he was trying to read me.

He was trying to see if I was being serious. "Wait, are you being serious?" He asked as I nodded my head.

"I get to invite a couple people, and I want to you to come." I could see him soften up a little bit.

He smiled to himself as he kept his eyes on the road. "Of course I'll be there." He promised.

The whole car ride was honestly really fun. He told me stories about what happened at the zoo.

I wish I could've gone, but with dance, it makes it super hard. After being in the car for about forty minutes, we ended up at the beach.

I looked at Colby confused. "I figured we could search for crabs." He shrugged towards me.

It was super sweet honestly. I haven't been to the beach recently.

And it's too cold to swim or try to tan. I think it would be fun. We get out of the car and head towards the beach.

It was already dark so we pulled out our phone flashlights. I could hear squeals from little kids running around.

From a distance, I could hear laughter from a group of kids, maybe teenagers. It was a nice night out.

It was a little chilly, but it wasn't too cold. It was also clear out here, but with all the lights, you can't see all the stars.

Once on the sand, we took our socks and shoes off and held them in our hands while we looked for crabs.

This brings me back to when I was kid. My mom and I used to do this all the time.

I honestly love it. We spent probably an hour there, looking around. I never got bored looking for crabs.

The later it got, the colder it got. Every time the breeze hit us, I would gasp out loud.

Colby noticed so he decided to leave. Good thing too cause I was sore and tired.

"Thanks for hanging out with me tonight, even if it wasn't much and it was cold." Colby laughed a little.

"I had fun." I admit to him. I really did. He drove me back home, but I didn't want him to leave just yet.

I turn to him as he did the same. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" I asked hopeful that he would say yes.

When he did, it made me smile a little bit. We go up to the apartment and into my room so we could have alone time.

We ended up having a movie marathon to Fear Street. He told me he's never seen it before and I love the movies.

They're my favorite movies on Netflix, for sure. Sadly, throughout the third movie, I started getting tired.

We were laying on my bed, and my head was laying on his chest. He was softly rubbing circles on my back.

I could feel myself start to relax the longer he did it. "Cassie?" I hear Colby whisper.

"Hmm?" I hum, too tired to say anything. He paused the movie causing me to open my eyes.

"Why'd you do that for?" I ask starting to sit up. I position myself so I could see his face.

He was looking at me softly. I don't think I've ever had someone look at me the way he was now.

"You're about to fall asleep on me, Cassie." He was looking into my eyes deeply.

Even though I was tired, I didn't want him to leave.

"Stay until the end of the movie?" I ask a little hopeful. He moved his hand up to my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

He nodded once which made me put my head back on his chest. I really did try to stay awake.

But maybe five minutes later, I had fallen asleep in Colby's arms. It was an honestly a nice feeling.

And I don't want it to go away.

Slow motion || Colby BrockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang