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As I hang up my last shirt, I get a phone call. I go over towards it to see it was Stas.

I answer it and put it on speaker. "Hey, girly. What's up?" I ask, flopping down on my bed.

"Kat and I were wondering if you and Avery wanted to go shopping with us." She invited us.

I was instantly down. I told them I would ask Avery and if they wanted to, they could come over.

"I'll let Kat know. Just give us your address and we'll come." We shared goodbyes and hang up the phone.

I get up from my bed and go towards the room Tyler and Avery share. I could hear them laughing at a video.

I walk in there, causing them to look at me. "What do you want, hoe?" Tyler asked me as I shake my head.

I cross my arms and lean against the door frame. "Nothing from you." I joke with him.

I look over at Avery while she sits up. "Stas and Kat asked if we wanted to go shopping with them." I inform her.

She started scrunching her nose towards me. "I'm starting to get a migraine so I don't think I can today." I pout towards her.

"I hope you feel better." She smiles at me weakly as I walk out of the room.

I needed to find something to wear because I wasn't going out in this. I had on Adidas joggers and a black t-shirt.

After searching, I finally found an outfit to put on. It was black skinny jeans, a black cami, and a black and white flannel.

I put my hair in two space buns knowing it would look cute. I wanted my makeup to look natural so I didn't do too much.

Right when I get done with my makeup, they text me that they were here. I gather my things and tell my roommates I'm leaving.

I walk down to where they were meeting me at. When I get in the back of the car, they both started squealing.

I was excited for this girls shopping trip. I was in dire need of new clothes.

"Which shops are we hitting?" I ask looking at them. I didn't know if they were looking for anything specific.

"We were just going to the mall I think." Kat told me while pulling of the parking lot.

I think it was going to be fun. We gossip the whole way to the mall. And once we get there, we walk inside.

The first store we walked to was Hot Topic. I wanted some new band shirts.

"I've heard you've been hanging out with Colby a lot recently." Kat gossips with me.

I smiled while looking through the shirts. "Yeah, it's kinda strange." I think out loud.

She asked how as I thought about it. "We first started hanging out more when Ethan cheated on me." I start out.

"I think it was to cheer me up at first but we actually got close." I admit to her.

She nodded her head while listening. It's true though. I think he felt bad I got cheated on.

But that just proves that he's good person. "Speaking of Ethan, have you heard from him?" She asked looking over at me.

I purse my lips, not knowing if I should answer it with a lie. But I feel like I can trust her.

"Actually yeah." I grimace while thinking about it. She gasped and brought Stas over.

"What's up?" Stas asked confused. Before I could stop Kat, she already told her how Ethan's been messaging me.

Her eyes got big while Kat spoke. "Wait, really? What did he say?" She asked as I shook a head.

I find a shirt I liked so I grabbed one in my size. I explained how he only does it when he's drunk.

I tell them how he says he misses me and wants me back. "Girl, you better not take him back." I started laughing.

"Oh, hell no." I scan the clothes again. Maybe one day Ethan and I can be friends.

But I would never date him again. He lost all my trust when I found him in the room with the girl.

I would like some closure on why he did what he did. But I need some space from him.

If he doesn't stop soon, I might block his number. The whole shopping day was really fun.

I wish Avery could've came. Before leaving the mall, I made sure to text Avery to see if she needed anything for her migraine.

As I was typing out the message, I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up, my heart dropping to my ass.

I recognize that face almost instantly. It's the girl that Ethan cheated on me with.

And by the looks on her face, it looks like she recognizes me too. I could see all the color leave her face.

"Cassie, right?" She asked as I stepped back. I nodded sadly while I felt a knot in my throat.

I didn't know if Ethan was with her so I quickly look and I don't see him.

I didn't really have anything to say to her so I started to walk away.

"I'm sorry for what happened on Halloween." I stopped in my tracks. I could see Kat and Stas stop too.

We all turn around in unison. I looked at her face and I could tell she was being serious.

Either she was telling the truth or she was one hell of an actor. I stand there for a moment, processing everything.

"What?" I rasp out to her. She inhaled a deep breath. "I didn't know you two were in a relationship." She spoke.

"I met him at the party and I thought we hit it off." She sounded serious. I look over at my friends.

They were looking at me suspiciously, not knowing what to believe. She takes another deep breath.

"If I would've known, I wouldn't have done what I did." I can hear the sincerity in her voice.

I take a breath, hoping I won't regret this. "Would you want to get coffee sometime?" She looks at me confused.

But then a small smile grows on her face. She nods so I give her my number.

I learn that her name is Addison. When we walk away, they were both looking at me like I was crazy.

"I just want to hear what she has to say." I shrug towards to them. Luckily, they didn't bring it up anymore.

Avery said she didn't need anything so they ended up taking me back to the apartment.

I think the shopping trip went pretty well. We all got what we needed and had a blast while doing it.

The girls drove me home, and thanked me for coming with them. I grabbed all my bags and went up to my apartment.

Avery and Tyler are still laying in bed so I sneakily went into my room.

I tossed my bags on the floor and flopped on my bed. It's like right as I laid down, my phone buzzed.

Alex was asking if I could come in to help him choreograph. Colby wasn't here since he was filming with Sam so I was down.

I had nothing else to do and I needed to get some stuff off my mind.

When I say that, I mean I need to get Addison and Ethan off my mind. I didn't know if she was serious.

But I did want some closure between the both of them. Especially with Ethan. I want to know how long he was cheating on me for.

If I don't go to dance, my mind is going to stay asking itself these fucked up questions.

I got up so I can change into something more comfortable.

Is it weird if I say I wish Colby was here?

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