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National's. The day we've been training for weeks. It's finally here. I wake up at seven so I can get ready.

I made sure to shower to wake myself up a little bit. We were meeting at the studio at eight and then going to Hollywood.

Even though we've had a good season, it was still pretty nerve-racking.

Once out of the shower, I put on sweats and one of Colby's shirts. I make sure I have my costumes, makeup, and hair products.

Once I realized I had everything, I threw it in my car and drove to the studio.

I was still pretty tired, but I didn't have time to get anything from Starbucks.

When I get to the studio, I put my stuff in the bus and then get in.

Even though it was a seventeen minute drive there, I was dreading the bus ride.

I just wanted to get Nationals over with. I had three dances to do. My solo, duo with Wyatt, and then the group dance.

It was going to be a long day but hopefully it goes fast.

When we get to where Nationals are, we all walk to the green room.

I instantly start doing my makeup for my solo. I've already done it twice so far but I'm still going to go over with Alex, just to be sure.

Once I was done getting ready, I went over it a couple times with Alex.

"You worry too much, Cassie. It looks perfect." Alex complimented me.

He was right though. I've been going over this dance since November. And it's May so it's been a few months.

When they called us for the solo, we all went there together.

Everyone was going to watch in support. All of my friends should be out in the audience somewhere.

It would be Sam, Kat, and Addisons first time here so it made me a little nervous.

I made sure to take deep breaths while I wait to get on stage. It helps a lot with my nerves.

They called the number for Wyatt and I made sure to wish him luck.

He did his dance spot on. He was always the confident dancer and person. Everyone made sure to cheer and applaud him.

When he walked off the stage, I gave him a high five. They called me next so I walked out there.

I did my dance perfectly, which made me happy. Once done, we quickly go to the green room so we could change for the duo.

It took us about thirty minutes to get ready. We went over the duet for a little bit.

We did the duet for everyone and they went crazy for it. And now, we have the group dance to get ready for.

It's an intense one. It's six minutes long and we're going to be acting as clowns.

We quickly changed and one of the girls helps me put on the makeup. I make sure to thank her when she finishes.

We have time to get through the dance one time. And before I knew it, we were all walking to the stage.

No one has seen this dance yet. It's completely new. We haven't performed it for anyone.

I could tell some people were nervous but I was excited. They called us up to the stage so we all walk out there.

I stood close to the front of everyone. The music started as Wyatt turned around. He started mouthing the words as we looked down.

"I wanna play with you, kiddo." We all rose our heads up. We started dancing when the beat dropped.

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