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"That was a good class. See you again Saturday." I smile to all the kids.

They all ran out so they could grab their bags to leave. I was going to stay behind since I wasn't in a rush.

As I was gathering my things, my phone started ringing. I looked to see it was Ethan so I answered.

"Hi, baby. You done with class?" He asked making me smile. "Yeah, everything okay?" I ask making sure.

"I just got done with the gym. I was wondering if you wanted to eat at Tender Greens?" Tender Greens was his favorite restaurant.

It was a healthy place where you can get grilled chicken and salads. "I'll meet you there."

We both hang up the phone and I grab my stuff. I walk out of the studio and to my car.

I throw my bag in the back seat and head towards Tender Greens.

Once I get there, I park and go inside. I see Ethan in our usual spot so I head over there.

He already ordered for me so I thank him. "How did dance go?" He asked when I sat down.

"It went really well. The kids seemed to enjoy it." I asked how his workout went and he told me how it was leg day.

As we talked about our days, I could feel something come up behind us. "Cassie?" I hear causing me to look up.

When I do, I look up to see Colby. An instant smile grew onto my face. It's been a couple days since the whole karaoke party.

"Hey, dude. I didn't think I would see you here." I tell him with shock in my voice.

As we talked, Ethan was looking in between us two. "Yeah, I come here all the time. It's one of my favorite places." He smiles.

As he talked, Ethan cleared his throat. "Who are you?" He asked with jealously all over his voice.

I could see Colby soften up, almost like how he's intimidated. I would be too if I saw Ethan jealous.

"This is Colby. I met him a couple days ago at the karaoke party." I inform him. I could see him soften up a little bit.

"Colby, this is my boyfriend, Ethan." I could see Colby inhale a deep breath like he was surprised.

He looked visibly upset but he shook it off. They both did a head nod and Colby looked in between us.

"Well, that you're here, I was wondering if you two would want to go to our Halloween party at the end of the month."

I thought it sounded fun. Even though I don't drink much, I do like parties. I just love how lively they are.

Before Ethan could speak up, I answered for us. "We would love to. I'll tell Tyler and Avery about it." I smile.

Colby flashed a smile towards me. They called his name for his food so he clapped his hands together.

"It was good seeing you again, and it was nice meeting you." Colby told us both nicely.

Ethan just took a sip of his water while looking at him. Colby just took a deep breath and looked at us.

"Hopefully, I'll see you there." He smiled weakily and walked away. I could tell Ethan was watching him walk out.

I stuck my fork in my salad while I look at my boyfriend. "He's a little too nice, don't you think?" He asked when he was out of earshot.

I just roll my eyes while looking down. That's the one con about him, he gets extremely jealous.

"There's nothing wrong with being friendly." I try to defend Colby. Yes, Colby is friendly, but it's cause he's a nice guy.

Just because he was nice doesn't mean he's trying to get in my pants.

"I mean, if you don't want to go to the party, we don't have to." I tell him. He furrowed his eyebrows while eating.

"No, I think it'll be fun. I just think he's a little too friendly." He shrugged. I smiled a little as we finished our food.

He asked if I wanted to stay the night, but I was wore out from dance and I needed a shower.

The girls begged me to have a Halloween recital. I talked to the main choreographer and he was totally down for it.

So on Halloween, we're going to have a recital for the younger kids. The oldest group that'll do it is the teenagers.

I was honestly excited for it. They've been working on it since August.

Ethan said it was okay that I didn't come so we parted our ways. I drove to my apartment to see Avery sitting on the couch.

Right after, I hear screaming from Tyler's room. Makes sense that she's in here.

She looked up from her book and smiled. "Hey, how did dance go?" She asked closing the book.

I smiled while sitting down next to her. I tell her how it went while she listened.

"I do have something to tell you." She looks at me confused on what I'm gonna tell her.

"Do you remember Colby from the other night?" She thought about it for a second and looked at me.

"Yeah, that's the guy you talked to in the kitchen for a long time." I pursed my lips and nodded.

It wasn't that long. It was probably for thirty minutes. "Anyway, I ran into him at Tender Greens tonight with Ethan." I started.

"And he invited us to a Halloween party. Would you and Tyler want to come?" I ask a little hopeful.

I don't know how many people are going to be there. It's weird. I can dance in front of a crowd of people and I'll be fine.

But parties with a lot of random people are very scary. But I wanna start going to parties and putting myself out there.

Avery looked like she was thinking about it. "I'll talk to Tyler about it but it seems fun." She shrugged.

It would make me comfortable. We talked for a little bit, but I wanted to shower.

After my shower, I went to rest in my room. As I laid there, I started to get curious.

I grabbed my phone and went to instagram. I typed in Kat's name so I could follow her.

I've been so busy, I haven't had time to do it yet. When I get on her account, I was surprised.

I didn't know she was that popular on the app. I hit the follow button and started scrolling through her account.

I looked to see a picture of her and Sam. They were definitely a cute couple. I clicked on Sam's page to see he had even more followers.

It's crazy honestly. It looks like him and Colby have a shared youtube account. I spend the next thirty minutes investigating.

I go to their account to see they have a shit ton of subscribers.

I was intrigued. I went to instagram to follow and dm Colby. I tell him how I didn't know he was popular on social media.

I lock my phone and start watching their videos out of curiosity. I laid my head down and started watching their videos.

I probably watched one or two before falling asleep for the night. I was exhausted from dance.

When I woke up, I had a message from Colby. He asked for my number so I made sure to give it to him.

I can see a friendship blossoming between us.

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