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I've probably went over my solo a thousand times. Even though I already did it for the first competition, I'm more nervous now.

Probably because it's Regionals and if I don't get at least in the top three, I probably won't perform at the Nationals.

After going over it for the hundredth time, I look over at Alex. "It looks perfect." He complimented.

I could tell he wasn't just saying it either. If I had corrections, he would've said something.

I went to sit down so Wyatt could go over his solo. I check my phone to see a message from Colby.

He said him, Tyler, and Avery were here waiting and he wished me luck. Somehow, it made me relax a little.

Before I knew it, we were on the way to the stage. "You two got this!" Everyone cheered towards us.

We nervously move in the wings while we wait for the person to get done with their solo.

When they finished, she came over towards us to walk off.

They call my solo so I walk out onto the stage. I wait til the music starts and start doing my dance.

It worked out perfectly too. I did everything I was supposed to so when I got it done, everyone started clapping.

I was honestly happy I got it right. I walk off the stage with a big ass grin on my face.

I watched Wyatt's from the wings and then went back to the green room.

We changed for the group dance which was black jeans and a cream long sleeved.

Once we were all ready, we all start going over the dance. It's a four minute dance so it was a little tiring.

But luckily we have it all down. There's a lot of flips and tricks in it. Right when we get done working on it, they call us on the stage.

We all walked to the wings, hand in hand with each other. They call us on the stage so we all get in our spots.

Wyatt's standing in the middle while four guys are next to him. I'm laying on the floor with everyone else.

The music starts so we all get into it. Wyatt starts moving as we all slowly get up in sync.

When the beat drops, we all start moving together. We were all in sync thankfully.

We dance for a minute and the song changes causing us to turn around except for Wyatt. He mouths the words as he starts dancing to the beat.

We follow behind him and do the same thing. We acted like we split someone in half causing everyone to cheer.

We did everything perfectly and I couldn't be more proud of us. Towards the end of the dance I dance up front.

I try to scan the audience but I couldn't find anyone. We finish the dance perfectly which makes me thankful.

It's a hard, fast paced dance but we worked our asses off to get it perfectly. When we finished, we caught our breaths in our spots.

We ate up the cheers from everyone and then walked off the stage. Once we were far away enough, we started celebrating.

"That was fucking amazing!" I cheer. When we went back to the green room, we celebrated with Alex.

They were going to calculate the points, which takes a while, so we were going to eat. We all packed food so we ate that.

An hour later, they had the results. I'll be honest, I was fucking nervous. We all walked onto the stage and sat down.

We grabbed onto each other's hands for comfort. They did Solo's first. Hopefully Wyatt or myself gets first.

They get to third place and we haven't been selected. Some girl from another studio got third so that could be good.

"Second place is Cassie Daniels with You Are The Reason." They announced. Everyone cheered while I went to get my trophy.

They called Wyatt for first so we got the top two spots. They announced everyone else for the duos and trios so now we wait.

They started announcing the placement for groups which had me nervous. We waited for what felt like years.

But eventually, they announced us for first place. We all stood up and cheered as we walked to get our trophy.

I was so proud of us. We worked our asses off for this dance. And now we have to practice for Nationals.

They'll be doing Nationals in May instead of June this year. I was thankful for it honestly, even though it gave us less time to practice.

Alex, Wyatt, and myself helped him choreograph the dance, it's pretty badass.

I just can't wait to help teach it to everyone else. We celebrated for a little bit and went back to the green room.

Colby, Tyler, and Avery were sitting with Alex when we walk in.

I run over towards them with a big ass smile on my face. I wrap my arms around Colby as he does the same to me.

"Congratulations, baby." He said in my ear. I could feel his breath tickle my neck a little bit.

I smiled in his chest while we hugged. Nothing could top this moment.

Winning Regionals with my team, and my boyfriend and best friends were here to experience it.

"Thanks, Colbs." I get on my tippy toes and peck his lips. Tyler and Avery fake gag which made me laugh to myself.

They made sure to congratulate me which made me smile. I love how I have their support, no matter what.

They all looked in between each other and then looked over at me.

"What are you doing when you get back to the studio?" Knowing it was a short drive back, probably nothing.

"Crashing out sounds good." Now I'm thinking about my bed and how I can't wait to get in.

"We were thinking of going out to Buffalo Wild Wings and eating, wanna join us?" Tyler asked sounding hopeful.

Even though I wanted to stay home, I couldn't say no. I wanted to spend time and hang out with them.

So of course I was going to go with them. I told them I would meet them there so I started gathering my things.

We got on the charter bus and drove back to the studio. I get into my car and drove to Buffalo Wild Wings.

I make sure to have music playing so I don't fall asleep while driving.

When I pull in, I notice it wasn't too crowded. Colby told me they were towards the back so I walk right in there.

A big ass smile grew on my face when I saw everyone sitting at a table together.

I'm not just talking about Colby, Tyler, and Avery. Stas, Sam, Kat, and even Addison is here too.

I was honestly super shocked to see everyone here. "What the fuck?" I ask surprised.

Colby smiled while standing up to walk over towards me. He placed his hand on my back with a smile.

"We all wanted to come celebrate that you got into Nationals." I was honestly shocked.

I had no idea they were planning this. I thought they just wanted to eat.

"You guys didn't have to." They all say how they wanted to, and it honestly made me happy.

Even though they all couldn't be there to watch, they still wanted to celebrate.

I sat down next to Colby so I could eat with them. We all talked and joked with each other the whole entire time.

As I sat there with everyone, I realized how much I love and care for these people.

They really are my best friends and they all have a special place in my heart.

I wouldn't know what I'd do without them.

Slow motion || Colby BrockTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon