chapter two. full moon

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"Okay so we're trying to have a good time and if you're lucky, you'll be able to talk to Lydia for a few but we're also trying to keep an eye on Scott to see if he turns into a werewolf and tries to kill anybody." I went over the plan for the party tonight. Stiles had did a whole bunch of research and actually told Scott that he thought he was turning into a werewolf and tried to cancel Scott's date with Allison. To which Scott got so angry that he almost punched Stiles and then left claws marks, unknowingly, on the back of Stiles' desk chair. It was just unusual for him, my brother rarely ever got angry. Like, annoyed, yeah but he would never hit anybody. Of course, Scott didn't believe Stiles and thought that he was being ridiculous. But it all added up. The whole heightened abilities starting with a bite of a large furry animal. Maybe he wasn't exactly a werewolf, but something was happening to him. I just had to see it for myself.

"Exactly." Stiles confirmed.

I nodded as I got out of his Jeep, closing the door behind me. He came around to stand next to me, the two of us looking at the exterior of Lydia's house. It was a nice house. A little bigger than mine. We could hear the party already in full effect, the sound of music bumping and water splashing from the pool in the backyard.

"Is Scott already here with Allison?" Stiles asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. He left to pick her up before you came for me so he should be here by now." Stiles just nodded. "When do you think it's gonna happen? I mean, the moon's been out, and I don't hear anybody screaming for their lives yet so everything seems fine."

Stiles sighed as he started to walk towards the front door of Lydia's house. "I don't know but we're gonna be in for a long night."


Lydia's party wasn't so bad.

Everyone just seemed to be having a good time. It didn't seem as cliquey as I originally thought it was. I was sipping on some cranberry juice next to the snack table as I watched Stiles dance in the middle of a group of people in the living room.

I wasn't one for parties.

I liked talking to people and getting to know them, but I was never a dance in the middle of the room kind of girl. I wasn't shy, just too self-conscious for that. I had no problem watching though because Stiles looked hilarious. He had the dorkiest dance moves and he was absolutely terrible but he obviously didn't care who saw.

He was actually kinda cute but that went away every time he opened his mouth. I always wondered why he'd never had a girlfriend. Stiles was a cute boy. He had a buzz cut, which wasn't exactly the most attractive haircut, but it fit him. His eyes were a light hazel as opposed to Scott and I's dark brown ones. He also had moles that were scattered on his neck. I didn't know what straight girls found attractive but I must've been missing something.

"Not enjoying the party?" Someone said, taking me out of my thoughts.

I turned to see Lydia standing next to me. I looked at her in slight confusion as she held a small smirk on her face. "No, it's great, just not a dancing kind of girl." I explained.

Lydia nodded. "Then what kind of girl are you?" I couldn't read her. She had a look in her eyes almost like she was amused. Or, like she was flirting?


Lydia looked me up and down, her lips puckered as she studied my outfit. "I don't know, you definitely give off the whole bad girl, motorcycle riding, leather jacket wearing vibe."

I literally almost cackled.

Lydia was kind of funny. It was even funnier because I knew she was being serious.

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