chapter ten. heart monitor

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"I don't think this is the right floor, Scotty." I said as I walked alongside Scott, grocery bags in hand as we explored the parking garage. We had been walking around this floor for at least five minutes looking for our car. I kept telling him it was a floor up but he insisted it was this one.

"Just gimme a second." He muttered, taking the key out of his pocket as he tried to sound the alarm. Of course, the car alarm sounded above us.

"Well what do you know... I was right."

Scott rolled his eyes, not getting a chance to argue before he dropped a carton of milk. "No, no, no!" He yelled, watching it roll under a random car. I sighed, realizing that I was gonna have to lay down on the ground to get it. My eyebrows furrowed when the milk bottle came rolling back, leaving claw mark shaped milk stains on the pavement. I looked at Scott, our eyes widening when we heard a growl.

We immediately dropped our bags, sprinting in the opposite direction. "What the hell was that!?" I whisper-yelled.

"What do you think!?" He replied, splitting up with me as he rounded a corner. I really hoped that the Alpha, if that even was the Alpha, went after him instead. I'm sorry but I'd have no chance. I ran as fast as I could, feeling tears well up in my eyes as I prayed that I didn't fucking die today. I stopped running because I couldn't breathe anymore, flopping down behind a car. I put my hand on my chest, trying to quiet my breathing. I realized that if it really was the Alpha, he would be able to hear my heartbeat. I heard a bunch of car alarms go off simultaneously, realizing that the Alpha wouldn't be able to focus his hearing now.

Scott was actually kind of smart.

"No, no! Stop!" I heard Scott scream, making me hold my breath. I ran over to where I heard his voice coming from, seeing Derek standing on top of Scott as he laid on the hood of a car.

Derek wore an annoyed look, grimacing down at my brother. "You're dead." He stated before jumping off the hood of the car and walking away.

I furrowed my brows in disbelief and annoyance as I followed him, "What - what the hell was that!?"

"Said I was gonna teach you. I didn't say when." Derek said, glancing at Scott as he walked alongside us.

"You scared the crap out of us!" My brother yelled.

"Not yet."

"Okay, but I was fast, right?"

"Not fast enough."

"But - but the car alarm thing, that was smart, right?"

"Till your phone rang."

"Yeah, but that was - I mean - Would you just stop? Please?" Scott begged, causing Derek to turn to him with a blank look on his face. I didn't even wanna be here anymore. I just wanted to go home. I was literally never gonna go anywhere with Scott ever again if being with him was gonna bring me a lifetime of terror and shit like this. I would go back to our car if I had the key. I just realized we were gonna have to go back and pick up all of those bags we dropped. Jesus fucking Christ, that scared the shit out of me. "What happened the other night, Stiles' dad getting hurt, that was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this!"

Honestly, it really was not Scott's fault. Stiles' dad got hurt when an actual mountain lion showed up at the school last night after the parent-teacher conferences. It sent everyone into a crazed frenzy, people screaming and running everywhere. From what I heard, Scott was busy protecting our mom and Allison from that mountain lion. Stiles' dad was not Scott's responsibility, he was a grown man. Stiles' dad was also the Sheriff, so he was gonna get hurt sometimes. It wasn't like like Scott could be everywhere all at once. The man didn't even get hurt from the mountain lion, he got hurt from walking behind a car when someone was backing out. Such a mundane accident. So I really didn't understand why Stiles was so upset with Scott over something that was out of his control.

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