chapter twenty-two. what the hell is she?

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When we arrived at the Hale house, all the action was already under way. It looked like hell had frozen over. The Alpha was standing in the front of the house, growling as he looked at Allison who was kneeling on the ground next to her Dad who was unconscious. My brother was next to them, fully transformed. His ears were pointed, his teeth were protruded, he had hair on the sides of his cheeks, and he had claws. It was so weird to see.

I didn't see Derek or Kate so I figured they were inside of the house.

The three of us jumped out of Jackson's Porsche, Stiles being the first one to throw his Molotov cocktail. Of course, I paid attention when Lydia was mixing up her concoction that night in the school.

But the Alpha caught it.

I felt my heart batter against my chest as the Alpha shook his head with a smirk on his face, knowing he had us right where he wanted us.


"Allison!" Scott yelled before he threw her bow and arrow at her, the girl catching it swiftly. I didn't know she was into archery. The girl pulled her arrow back before launching it perfectly at the glass bottle that rested in the Alpha's hand, causing only his arm to catch on fire.

Jackson and I looked at each other, realizing it was our turn. We threw them right at the Alpha, the two of them igniting. The fire spread all over the Werewolf's body, causing him to roar in pain. He then turned to Allison, hissing at her as he started to charge at her whilst his body burned viciously.

"No!" Scott yelled as he ran at the Alpha, socking him in the jaw before the man fell to the ground. His body turned back to human even though he was still covered from head to toe in burns as he laid there croaking.

Everybody looked around in silence, wondering if it was really over. I saw Allison walk over to Scott. She was looking at him almost apologetically. He turned his head away in shame as she looked at him in his wolf form. She then slowly turned his head towards her, kissing him softly. I rose my eyebrows in surprise as I saw him to turn back to human.

They exchanged a few words, something that made Scott smile before everyone's attention turned to Derek who stood over Peter Hale's dying body.

Scott ran over to the werewolf, holding his hand out, "Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you." Scott reiterated. "Derek. If you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family - what am I supposed to do?" But Derek didn't budge. He didn't even look back. He was just staring down at his Uncle with a determined look in his eyes.

My eyes widened as I realized what was happening.

Derek was about to kill Peter to become the Alpha.

Peter's eyes turned red as he tried to choke out words, "You've - already - decided. I can smell it on you!" Were the last words Peter uttered before Derek rose his claws, slashing the man's throat.

"Wait, no, no, no!" Scott shouted, but it was too late. It had already been done. We all watched in awe as Derek turned to face us, flashing his now red eyes.

"I'm the Alpha now."


I snuck into Lydia's hospital room alongside Scott and Stiles, the three of us dropping to the floor just in case someone could see us through the glass window.

Everything that went down was crazy.

Before he died, Peter ended up killing Kate as revenge for burning his entire family alive. Derek's eyes were now red instead of blue, meaning that he was an Alpha now. I didn't understand the whole eye thing. Scott's eyes were yellow. But Derek's were blue, before becoming an Alpha. It was a thought for another time but it just made me realize there was still so much more to this werewolf thing than we know.

The Argents let Scott go but that didn't mean he was allowed to see or be with Allison. But of course, he still was. Just in secrecy. They couldn't stay away from each other.

"Shut the door." I whispered to Stiles.

The lanky boy brought his hand up, closing the door after it squealed very loudly, causing me to cringe. It desperately needed some oil.

The three of us stood to our feet but not before looking around to see if anyone was there. It was late so there wouldn't be much visitors, only hospital staff. When we saw that the coast was clear, we walked over to Lydia's bedside, looking at her as she slept. She looked beautiful. I resisted the urge to hold her hand. We just had to get in and out before someone saw us.

But first, we had to know if the bite had healed.

Scott slowly lifted up the side of her gown, peeling back the gauze stained in blood. My eyes widened when I saw that the bite was still there.

"Is it completely healed?" Stiles cringed, unable to look because of the blood.

Scott shook his head, "No, not at all."

I looked at the two boys in confusion, "I don't get it. The doctor said she'd be fine."

"Yeah, but the bite's not healing like it did with me." Scott explained. "Which means - She's not a werewolf."

I felt the back of my neck, preparing to wince but I realized that my mark was healed. The mark of Peter Hale's claws were no longer there. I didn't know what that meant but I didn't wanna find out. "Then what the hell is she?"

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