chapter twenty-five. bad liar

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"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked Lydia as the three of us stood outside the double doors of the school. It was the morning after we found Lydia and she seemed pretty much back to normal. She looked even better than she did before. She was wearing a purple fitted dress and she had on her signature lip gloss. She looked amazing.

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying "We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days." But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds." Lydia said, a grin on her face as she opened her arms to showcase her waist. I laughed as Allison chuckled, shaking her head. I was happy she didn't seem too traumatized.

I exhaled, holding my backpack over my shoulders. "Are you ready for this?"

Lydia scoffed, glancing over at Allison. "Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer."

My eyes widened, "Lydia -" I said awkwardly as she started to walk into the doors, leaving us behind. I sent Allison an apologetic smile but she only wore a surprised look. The two of us entered the school behind Lydia, realizing that she was stopped in her tracks as dozens of kids stood in the hallway staring at her. No one looked particularly mean, just like they couldn't believe their eyes. But still, it was rude to stare. I swear kids these days had no manners.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds." Allison whispered as I glared at them, resisting the urge to literally bark at the gawking teens.

Lydia looked embarrassed, the girl straightening her shoulders before I held out my hand. "Come on." I offered, allowing Lydia to place her hand in mine before we walked past the crowd, Allison smiling before she followed behind us to her locker.

"Thanks." Lydia said as we reached her locker, the girl turning to face me.

I smiled, "No problem. Everything'll go back to normal eventually, you know how people are." The girl nodded as she sighed, pushing her perfectly curled hair to her back. "Who are you looking so good for today?" I asked teasingly, earning a chuckle as Lydia pushed my arm lightly even though she took a step closer to me.

"First of all, I always look good. And second of all, I don't dress nicely to appeal to the eyes of others." The girl claimed, crossing her arms over her chest.

I rose my eyebrows, "Is that so?" She nodded in response. "Not even me?" I asked as I closed the small gap between us, causing the girl to smile before she pushed me away.

"You're annoying." She lied.

I nodded, "Uh-huh, you love it."

Lydia rolled her eyes whilst she opened her locker door, "Are we hanging out tonight? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She expressed sadly as she retrieved her textbook.

I squinted in awkwardness, "Actually... I - can't tonight. I - have a thing with Scott and Stiles. I'm sorry." I explained, watching the girl nod in disappointment. I knew that we just started dating and we should probably be hanging out as much as possible, getting to know each other and going on cool dates and all, but there was just one problem.

The full moon was tonight.

Which meant I had to help Stiles lock Scott up. Scott claims he doesn't feel like he has the urge to maim and kill anyone, especially since things were good with Allison, which is good. It's... promising, since she helps him stay human and all. But that didn't entirely make me worry free. So we were definitely still locking him up because we couldn't risk it.

"They wouldn't mind if I tagged along, right?" My girlfriend tried. "I mean, I'm just gonna be so bored hanging at home and I'm finally out of the hospital." I felt so bad lying to her. I hadn't actually brought up the fact that I wanted to tell Lydia everything to Scott yet. I knew Stiles would probably be against it. There just hasn't been time.

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