Mother Knows Best

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-"Why, Y/n..." she walked away from the large window to me.

-"Look at you as fragile as a flower"

-"Still a little sapling, just a sprout"

-"You know why we stay up in this tower"

-"I know, but-" I tried talking to her but was interrupted.

-"That's right" she patted my head.

-"To keep you safe and sound, dear"

-"Guess I knew this day was coming"

-"Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest"

-"Soon but not yet!" he walked around the tower, closing window curtains and doors.

-"But-" my attempts in talking to her were shushed.

-"Trust me, pet..."

-"Mother knows best"

She began to sing a song, she turned off all light leaving me in the dark. I lit candles but they were all blown out. Lots of jump scares and hair pulling, shadowed figures and drawn faces in red paint. I curled myself in my hair hiding from everything terrifying. When she pulled me to stand and I rushed to hug her she was gone.

She appeared in the staircase, with the edges lined with rows of lit candles. She turned off the candles and I rushed to light new ones. She was singing and her actions had quickened, I ended up on the floor being rolled around in my hair and then pulled away. I stopped spinning, feeling quite dizzy.

-"Mother's gonna help you"

-"All I have is one request!" I ran to her, hugging her tightly.

-"Y/n?" I looked up at her.


-"Don't ever ask to leave this tower again" I nodded.

-"Oh, I love you very much, dear"

-"I love you more"

-"I love you most" she played around with my hair, fixing it a certain way.

-"Don't forget it, you'll regret it" she continued singing.

-"Mother, knows best"

-"Y/n! I'll see you in a bit, my flower" after the song she packed her things to get ready to leave...again.

-"I'll be here" I watched her leave, wishing I could do that too.


Sorry for the late chapter I thought I had updated.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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