𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣𝟧 🕊

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{ Song recommendation: The Weeknd- Wicked Games }

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{ Song recommendation: The Weeknd- Wicked Games }

Jungkook P.O.V.

Prescott and I take the service elevator down to the basement garage in order to avoid the media outside.

Jack's arrest and the fact he was apprehended in our apartment are now public knowledge. As I settle into the Audi, I wonder if there will be more paparazzi waiting at SIP like the day our engagement was announced.

We drive a while in silence until I remember to call first Minho and then my mom to reassure them that Taehyung and I are safe. Mercifully, both calls are short, and I hang up just as we arrive outside SIP.

As I feared, there's a small crowd of reporters and photographers lying in wait. They turn as one, looking expectantly at the Audi.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Mister Kim?" Taylor asks. Part of me just wants to go home, but that means spending the day with Mr. Burning Rage. I hope that with a little time, he will gain some perspective.

Jack is in police custody, so Tae should be happy, but he's not. Part of me understands why; too much of this is out of his control including me, but I don't have time to think about this now.

"Take me around to the delivery entrance, please, Taylor."

"Yes, sir."

It's one o'clock and I've managed to immerse myself in work all morning.

There's a knock and Elizabeth pops her head around the door.

"Can I have a moment?" she asks brightly.

"Sure," I mutter, surprised at her unscheduled visit.

She enters and sits down, tossing her long black hair over her shoulder. "I just wanted to check you're okay. Roach asked me to pay you a visit," she adds hurriedly as her face reddens. "I mean with all that went on last night."

Jack Hyde's arrest is all over the newspapers, but no one seems to have made the connection yet with the fire at GEH.

"I'm fine," I answer, trying not to think too deeply about how I feel. Jack wanted to harm me. Well, that's not news. He's tried before. It's Taehyung I'm more concerned about.

I glance quickly at my e-mail. There's still nothing from him. I don't know if I were to send him an e-mail, whether I'd just be provoking Mr. Burning Rage further.

"Good," Elizabeth answers, and her smile actually touches her eyes for a change. "If there's anything I can do—anything you need—let me know."

"Will do."

Elizabeth stands. "I know how busy you are, Kook. I'll let you get back to it."

"Um . . . thanks."

That has to have been the briefest most pointless meeting in the Western Hemisphere today. Why did Roach send her here? Perhaps he's worried, given I'm his boss's husband. I shake off the dark thoughts and reach for my BlackBerry in the hope that there might be a message from Taehyung. As I do, my work e-mail pings.

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