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3rd person POV:

It was the next morning right now. It was really as the sun still rising could be seen from the window.

Jungkook had woken up early and taehyung was still asleep with no intent to wake up anytime soon.

The man stood up and turned his neck left and right to relax because it was definitely not easy to spend the whole night on the couch while constantly waking up again and again to check on his appa ,his husband and his puppy.

He could really use some sleep later today but right now while the younger isn't awake ,he can use that time to quickly go home and get freshen up and feed and walk bam.

Just as he had gotten up , bam also woke up right away and slowly walked to jungkook caressing his leg with his little head sleepily.

"Lets quickly go home and come back okay?" He whispered to bam and picked him up. He felt really lazy right now but he needed to make breakfast for taehyung as well.


Jungkook reached home soon and took a quick shower after he took bam on his morning walk and poured his dog food for him.

In a few minutes ,he walked out of the bathroom to the closet to find a normal outfit for himself.

His long hair which has gotten even longer these past weeks were now falling on his shoulders and were drenched ,droplets of water falling on them. They were perfect length to make a little ponytail. He really needed to get a haircut but when he looked in the mirror he thought it suited them.

But whatever ,he has more important things right now than worrying about his hair length.

He skimmed through his big closet full of clothes to find a decent one. He had never imagined himself to have such a wardrobe full of different kind of clothes when all he used to have were black ,white or grey suits and pajamas.

He quickly picked out a random jeans and tshirt for himself and wore it right away.

Then stood up infront of the mirror ,so he can do something about his long hair that keep falling over his eyes and the dark circles under his eyes which he definitely can't let taehyung see.

He hurriedly hid those dark circles with makeup and tied up his hair and walked to the kitchen so he can cook something good for his husband.

He took out all the needed ingredients for the food and cooked it. He made some delicious but healthy soup and some other things and packed them in containers ,ready to go back to his husband.

He's pretty sure taehyung must not have woken up right now as it's pretty early and he had some strong medicines last night. It had been barely 1 and a half hour since he's back home.

"Okay bam let's go back."


Taehyung was asleep carefree , at least that's what jungkook had thought when he was coming back. 

The younger boy had his eyes pinched shut as he groaned and squirmed in his sleep , it looked like he was in pain but not actually in pain.

The boy was dreaming about something terrible and it all felt so real like it's actually happening. It felt like he's experiencing those punches and kicks all over his body which he was seeing in his dream.

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