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3rd person POV:

It's been 5 months since the babies are born. The babies are 5 months old now and it has been extremely difficult for the couple but they are still extremely happy with their little family.

The first month was extremely difficult for the couple as they were getting used to everything and learning little things they didn't know about the babies.

Also jungkook who it was emotionally very difficult for because of his trauma and fear.. but thankfully he got through it and isn't scared like that anymore.

And taehyung.. who just didn't know anything about the babies or how to take care of them.. had a lot to learn.

Now they are just raising their children with barely getting time for themselves ,with the help of soohyun , ji eun and beomgyu who voluntarily take care of the kids sometimes giving them a break for once in a while.

Their puppies are so protective of the babies that they barely even let beomgyu or anyone else who isn't their parents near them. It's adorable.. they treat them so gently.. the couple can't help but coo at that.

Right now they couple was sleeping peacefully after a long day.. cuddling each other as jungkook had his head resting on the younger's chest and the man had his arms wrapped around him with their legs tangled.

It had been barely 3 hours since they fell asleep and they really needed that after such a tiring day.

But maybe their peace wasn't long lived as soon they heard loud high pitched cries of two of them and the other one was fortunately still sleeping with earmuffs on.

"Hyung, get up... They are crying again." Taehyung said opening his eyes and rubbing them slightly to clear his blur vision.

"I heard it.. it's joo and ggukie." Jungkook groaned .. already used to it that he could even identify the cries of his babies.

"Yeah let's get up." Taehyung said getting up and going towards the crib to pick the baby joo up ..knowing ggukie isn't gonna come to him.

Jungkook also stood up and picked up ggukie who was wailing badly with drool dripping down her chin.

Both the males picked them up and went back to the bed after quickly checking up on their baby zeha.

"It's her gums... She's teething ,right? That's why she's crying and probably hungry as well." Jungkook told his husband who was busy checking his baby joo.

"I think he needs his diaper changed and also because he's teething as well." Taehyung told jungkook who was busy making baby noises to calm and entertain their daughter.

"Then change it and i will feed her.." jungkook said opening the buttons of his pajama shirt.

"Ohh my baby.. wait alright.. mama will give you your favorite booboo ,okay." He baby talked to ggukie with a bunny smile who also smiled at him shaking her clutched fists.

"Here ggukie." Jungkook said as the baby latched herself on the nipple holding the breast between her little hands making the man chuckle at her.

"Alright .. and done." Taehyung said out loud as he was done changing the diaper of joo who was sleeping soundly now on the bed.

Taehyung shook his head at him .. "this boy is gonna be troublesome in the future I bet."

"You bet he will be .. he's exactly like you."jungkook said laughing at him making taehyung pout as he went to place the baby back in his crib.

After placing a peck of his cheek and as well as zeha again. Taehyung went back to his husband leaning on his shoulder and hugging him by one arm as he stared at the baby feeding happily on the milk.

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