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3rd person POV:

The couple reached the room where unconscious soohyun was. All of the injuries of soohyun had healed already .. now he just needed to wake up. His face didn't look that pale anymore and didn't look lifeless.

He wasn't connected to that many machines anymore.. just the heart monitor and the drip to provide him with nutrients and everything.

The oxygen mask wasn't needed anymore as the constant rise and fall of his chest was visible indicating the man was breathing well by himself.

There were new flowers on the table beside his bed which means that ji Eun came in the morning again.

Jungkook had thought that the woman would give up eventually after all she had met him only once and that too for only a few hours.. how can she get attached to him so easily. But the officer is still hopeful.. even without knowing how soohyun would react to her being there daily for the last 2 and a half months.

Or maybe soohyun already knows about that and everything because they always talk to him a lot whenever they visit and doctor had said that he can listen and understand them.

Continuing.. the couple walked in holding hands and taehyung made the older sit down comfortably in the chair even though jungkook was fully able to do that himself right now.. but he just let the younger take care of him if he wants it that way.

Taehyung sat beside him putting an arm around the man. "Hello dad" he greeted knowing his father is probably listening.

Jungkook rested his head on his husband's chest ,"hii appa ,how are you doing today?" He called out poutingly.

"We are missing you today dad, we needed you here today." Taehyung spoke as his lips were curled downwards .. his mood changing from happy to sad emotion right now.

"Yeah appa.. i want you here ... I want to talk to you , want to hug you , want to see you smiling and spend time with you.. can't you just wake up for us." Jungkook said as tears Welled up in his eyes unwantingly.

"We have a very big good news we want to share with you. I really wish you were awake to hear that.. it's been more than 2 months dad.. how long are you gonna take to wake up." Taehyung said sniffling a little as he stared at his father who he loves so much.

He didn't show how much love and respect he has for that man before .. they were always bickering even if it was only playfully. He is understanding his importance in his life even more now.

"Don't cry tae. If you did i will cry too." Jungkook said looking up at the younger with a sulking face ,tears were already there in his eyes.

"You can't cry my love , taking stress isn't good for the babies and you at all. I am not crying.. i just miss dad a lot." Taehyung said wiping his eyes and pecking his husband's forehead.

When they were having the moment between themselves .. what they didn't notice was how soohyun's hand moved and then stopped again. Like he was trying to wake up but it wasn't working.

It felt like his body was numb to everything right now.. no matter how much he tried to make a movement.

He was listening to them.. he wanted to cry at the mention of babies. He could understand everything. He wanted to hug his sons.. he wanted to caress their heads and talk to them a lot. He wanted to tell them how much he loves them both and how he misses them too.. but he wasn't able to do so.

Both of the males present there.. took their eyes away from each and turned towards their father again.. "appa.. if you can hear us.. we wanna tell you something.. i just hope you wake up really soon."

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