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She supposed meating Gelien, the owner of the metal junk shop near the end of the town is a miracle.
Flirty and cocky he may be, she cant deny he's a good person - well as much as a murder is a good person.

He was once a pirate he told her, sailing on the time where roger is a mere rookie with no name of his own and no tittle to go on.

He was very chatty, a trait y/n always hated because unlike him - she quiet prefers peace rather than annoying rumbling about nonsense things and repeated stories but Galien oddly has a smooth voice that is strangely comforting and calming - so she always listen but also because she doesnt know what to do on her free time considering she doesnt have much friends.

Galien reminded her of her own father most days, specially the times where he would walk up to her with a smile that is too big to fit on his own face and a boisterous laughter only a father could produce, and as always she will feel the familiar longing and ache crawl its way to her heart and instead of the face of the man who has taken her under his wing in the place that shouldnt exist it was replaced by the face of her own father, kind eyes and loving smiles.

She has to take a break everytime that happens. Which is quiet often much to her dismay.

"You're doin' good for someone who's only been working 'ere for 5 months!" Galien leaned on the mahogany table littered with screw and cogs. "I'm quiet jealous almost, took me years to be as good as I am today and now look at ya'! not even a year an' you already surpassed me!"

Y/n damn well know the old punk is exaggerating but she's not going to let it soil the compliments.

"Its cause I'm better than you, old man" she uttered with a cocky smirk that she had perfected over the months of being near the tall inventor.

"I'm much better looking tho" he shrugged  "and dont call me old man! I'll have you know I get more bitches than you-"

"Cause you bug them until they say yes, bastard! You always look pitiful following them around like a puppy its embarsssing-"

"Pitiful?!" A vein popped on his wrinkled forehead, nose flaring in anger. "How dare you call me pitiful you disrespectful brat!"

A familiar pain erupted on the back of her head, it was expected but it hurts all the same.

For a decaying hundred year old man, galien sure is strong.

"I'll have you know that women loves weakness!" He procalimed with shout, puffing his broad chest like a proud dog. "And beside its not like I dont satisfy them.." he picked his nose
"I always had 'em screaming my name like a wolf in heat at the end of the nigh-"

"OI!" A haki infused hand was placed on the yapping mouth of the old man.
"Dont fucking tell me shit like that!"

"Huh?! And why the hell not?! Its not like you dont hear us every night!" Y/n swore she almost popped an angry vein.

"Hearing it be told like a fucking story instead of moans is a different thing old geezer! You're disgusting!"

"Oi dont fucking pretend like you're some doe eye virgin,brat! I saw you carrying two men with you last night, tch!" He clicked his tounge, watching in amusement as the younger woman infront of her - who he consider as a daughter now despite of the short amount of time they're together - blushed in embarrassment.
"Begging and clinging at you too!" He had yelled dramatically, pointing at her like she's some kind of Salem witch who deserved to be burned in an altar. "I'm the one who should be disgust! Gods, they're like what? 10 feet tall and yet they're acting like a desperate dog?!"

The blushed of embarrassment was now replaced by a irritating smirk that Galien almost wanted to wipe with his own fist.
"What can I say? I'm just that good"
She shrugged with an air of nonchalant.

With her sweetened breath [ONE PIECE]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang