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Little dove or dove would be the name of the y/n on the aot world as the story goes on to avoid confusion.


The blue sky was vast, clouds swirling like clawed thread draping over its blue. The sun glared at her, hot on her skin, too hot, as if wanting to scorch her insides and melt her like a puddle of goo.

A flash of dead eyes and red hot fire entered her mind, the creaking of the guillotine and the harsh scent of its burning corpse. The image was gone as soon as it had appeared, like a fleeting whisper on the wind.

Y/n blink and blink, suddenly feeling too hot, uncomfortable, as if she wasnt on her own skin.

"I see you're finally awake" a voice had stated, deep, smooth with a hint of gentleness. A voice she didnt recognize.

Y/n had turned to look at its direction, nape sore from her sleep but all of it was gone as the breath on her lungs had seems to knock out of her chest.

Erwin Smith.

Bloned hair glimmering like a gilded gold underneath the harsh sun, like a crown it was, so blinding and equally as beautiful as one. His eyes were bright, like two shining sapphires - captivating and strangely hypnotic. He looks beautiful, like a painting straight from the hands of those who live before her, perfect with every strokes, balance with every flaw. The epitome of beauty and nothing more.

"You know, I've never find the allure of sleeping outside like you always do" he said to her, a faint smile splattered on the pink of his lips.

Sleeping outside? Must be why her nape and back aches with a pain that she wasnt used too. Or perhaps it was her continuously tightening chest, how the hot sun do not matter now because the only thing she could feel was the cold and the sweat dripping down her back.

Why is she here?

Why is he here?

"I tried. Once." He looked down, as if shy, like a boy confessing his crimes. "Just because I was awfully curious on why you like it so much, but I'm afraid I didnt see what you had saw that made you love it"

Erwin peeked at her from his long lashes, ears painted with faint blush and lips curled in a small subtle smile. Her breath was knock out from her lungs for the second time - he looks beautiful, how could he look so beautiful even when the sun was blinding her eyes?

"Let's just say I'm special like that" she shrugged, a teasing smirk on her mouth. "Always finding the beauty in the most impossible and simple things that many people deemed as, well, odd - as levi put it" her words blurted out without her permission, as if she had memorised and tattooed it on her mind long ago. Easy as breathing.

"Ah yes, Levi always hated it whenever you sleep outside" Erwin exclaimed with a light chuckled, eyes wrinkling subtly and y/n briefly wonder if this is how it looks without the worry of the world place upon his shoulders.

"I think Levi just hates everything that I do" Y/n retorted, the y/n that wasn't her, y/n that is not a n inventor but the y/n that was both a soldier and a warrior. A traitor.

Pain bloom on her chest like a flower, its vines stabbing and slithering on every nerves and ribs it could get a hold onto.

"I think Levi is more fond of you than you think, little dove" Erwin stated, offering her a hand to stand up and y/n did with a light grimace 'little dove?' What a godawful nickname..

"Must you call me that?" This time, her words were on her own. Not rehearsed. By her mouth and by her mind.

She grab his hand - a memory of him sat upon his white horse, surrounded by trees and roaring titans alike, swirls of greenn and red erupted the sky and yet Erwin Smith charged with all he has, even with less arm on his own he ran forward like a king would in a battle until dawn - Y/n glanced up on his eyes, blue like the ocean they seek, pretty, she think she had never seen quiet anything like it.

With her sweetened breath [ONE PIECE]Where stories live. Discover now