27 - KING

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When she was first brought into this world y/n thought she would be different, a chosen one amongst those who begged to be the greatest, a golden soul, a unknown entity destined for a greater good and hands heavy with a much greater treasures.

Some part of her, the part that whispered she was special, told her she would rule this world, that she would reach the last island far faster than the dying Roger would, she would stare upon the edge of the world, clench the sand the king of the pirates had once stood upon and claim that throne hers - not that she would, y/n has no interest on leading, it was a job made for Luffy, no matter how reckless he was, no matter how carefree. But some part of her believe the latter's personality is what definitely makes him much more worthy than the rest - after all, the sea is the epitome of freedom.

Or so she had thought..

Doflamingo stood far taller than anyone she had seen before, towering her like a great pillar would. Eyes hidden beneath his blood red glasses, a menacing grin plastered on his oddly wide lips. He looks like a devil, a beautiful one, with a tounge that could coax anyone into submission and an offer of something good and a payment of soul - y/n  wonders if there's marking on his back, like a condemn angel would have, a scar from a destroyed wings, yanked out his own spine and burn from hellfire.

His nickname fits him, the heavenly demon, the king - and he walked towards her like such, wide gait and shoulder sag, relax and content, a man who thinks he has everything on his palm, he walks like he can eat the world with one bite, like he could fly close to the sun and never burn - her eyes twitch at the thought.

"Fufufufu~" he had laughed, voice deep that it rattles her bones.
"So it is truly you, the little inventor" he looked down at her and y/n wished she could see his eyes, it makes it more easier to read him, what card she should play and which she would throw.

"Makes me wonder what kind of face Garp would make if he learned what his little doll is up too eh?" His shoulder shakes as he let out a raspy laugh. "Hanging out with pirates, a yonko nonetheless! Ohh he would blow a fuckin' nerve dont ya' think so, princess?" He leaned down, staring at her far too close than necessary. "And killing men huh?-" her eyes twitch
" Well, now that one is a suprise. Didnt expect such a pretty little thing like you to be crushing skulls"

She didn't say anything, only look, only glare. The ropes around her hands digged painfully rough on her wrist, drawing marks of red and almost spilling blood - she rubbed it together, to lessen the pain, or maybe to feel it more, she didn't know, she wanted to distract herself from the thundering of her hearts, the thoughts on her brain, how she could loose her life by the hands of the man that stood across her.

"You ought to be thankin' me, y'know?" He grinned, red glasses glimmering dangerously under the blinding light of the morning.
"Lots of people wants to get their fucking hands on ya', sweetgirl. Filthy fucking hands, nobles and peasants alike, did they told ya that ya got a hefty bounty on your pretty little head hm?"

Her eyes met the men that stood further on the back, the men who had took her in the first place - they stand so straight, impossibly so, as if proud and yet they couldn't met her eyes.

She frowned, familiar hot anger coiling on her gut.

"They didn't did they?" He hummed, head tilting to meet her gaze.
"Well couldn't blame them, they just released it a couple of weeks ag-"

"Weeks?" She blurted out, shock. Weeks? It had been weeks?

"Oh yes weeks and the anger of the nobles have been doubling at every tick of the clock" his finger graze her hair, soft feathery touch on her cheeks - she resisted the urge to flinch away.
"Most of them want you dead, darling" He whispered, venom on his voice, dark and grinning.
"They don't care how, when, or whose blade. They want your head on a pike or in a top of a mountain, maybe even underneath someone's booth like what you did to the poor man you killed"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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