15 - POWER

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Crocodile had found her near the docks, almost hidden on the messy crates that scattered around.

The sand user almost thought she was one of the unfortunate victims of the cruel criminals who boldly do their deeds under the eyes of marines. But when he had inch closer to her, rubies and emerald rings glinting underneath the moon, he had hissed.

The woman was hot to touch, sizzling the pad of his fingertips. Every so often the corner of her lips would twitch and crocodile would stare with a hope that she would opened her eyes but soon enough he had grew impatient, so even when her flesh burned him and his jaw clenched in an effort to trap his grunts, he had carried her towards the deck of his ship.

Many people had greeted him, some genuine some not. Mr.1 had took a glance on the girl that lay peacefully on his arm and even if he has question he did not voice them, only gave the shichibukai a single nod of acknowledgment before parting towards his own chamber.

The sea wind whispers its harsh warning, instead of the usual feather like tickle of the air it gave him a hard push, salt harsh on his nose and sky deprived of any twinkling stars.

The wave grew uneasy beneath them, like a beast trap in heavy shackles it trembled and shake. The ship rock with its rhythm, and Crocodile watched with a heavy cigar between his teeth as the sky lit up - a blinding lightning followed by a loud thunder that shook his chest.

'An upcoming storm' he had thought, sighing. Grey smoke swirling on the air before he took a glance on the woman on his arm, golden hook trapped on her waist and sweaty hair stick disgustingly on her forehead.

"Tsk" he glanced back on the marine base that stood proudly on the middle of the town, white flags moving with the wind and staring at him with pure judgement

A pirate in a goverment property, a filthy criminal cooperating with the corrupt.

He glanced away from its sight with an obvious scowl. He then looked down on the woman once again, she reeks of dirt and dark wood - a scent he found oddly addictive, like a fresh gasoline out of its tank.

Right hand creeped gently towards the skin of her cheeks, flesh now warm and not as burning. He tenderly push the stray hair away from her face, wiping the filth that clings to her with the use of his thumb.

'She needs a bath'

He took glanced on the clothes she wore, brows twitching in disdain.

'Ugly' he had thought as he observed the navy blue tank top and the black cargo pants - both covered with dirt and filth.

Crocodile is man who takes great importance on the garments he wore, has to be the most expensive silk, the softest cotton, the finest leather. His hands should be adorned with the most glimmering jewels - emeralds, rubies, sapphires and everything that will make him look luxurious.

He is a pirate yes, but that doesnt mean he cant have taste.

He hummed lowly when a droplet of water kissed his skin, gentle like a warning on the upcoming storm but before he can even take a step the rain started to poured like blunt needles from the dark sky.

The lightning gave its blinding spark followed by a mighty roar of the thunder, the wind peaked up tenfold - cooling his skin and almost blowing the now dropped sails. Seagulls whines and scream as it flew on the direction of safety, coconut trees sway and groans on the effort to keep its posture and stand tall on its ground.

His men run around the deck like a pathethic headless chickens, squawking orders and yelling with incoherent complaints. Mr. 1 emerged from his room, now dressed in black silk shirt adorned with gold buttons.

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