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It all happened too fast.

Too quick.

The collar was on her the second she had blinked, the moment her hand dropped the blade they were on her like fucking hyenas pouncing on their long awaited prey.

She fell to the ground with a loud thud, ears ringing as her front were violently shoved towards the pavement, cheeks flush on the rough floor as she watched, with unblinking eyes, as Dog run off without so much as a last look.

"-you fucking bitch, thinking you can get away from us huh?" One of them, a man, tugged harshly on the rope as he tied her down, his pointed knees press on the bottom of her spine, keeping her motionless and helpless.

"-you almost did you know?" He tugged her upward, yanked her whole body to stand up with shaking legs and aching knees. "If you weren't such a good little bitch you would have been out there now." Another tug on her rope and the chain around her neck had her straightening her back, eyes still suck on where Dog had run off. "Probably off sucking that red hair and living your merry life, too bad that piece of shit sold you huh?" He laughed, loud and mocking.

A man came up to her face, smoking a thick cigar, he gave her an emotionless stare - forcing her to stop burning holes on the door Dog had left to.
"Fooled by a mere slave.."
He grinned at her, sickening.
"You realize he traded your freedom for his right?"

A coil twisted on her stomach, there is something bitter on her tounge, she wonder if it's blood or the taste of brewing regret.

"Dont worry doll" He had tapped her cheek once, it didnt sting but she flinch all the same.
"We'll take good care of ya', cant let the goods be spoiled afterall"
He grinned and a shiver run down her spine.

"Do you want me to get the slave, boss?" A man had asked from the corner of the dimly lit room. A rifle on his hand.
"He may not have gone far off"

The man exhaled a smoke, a subtle smirk cut on his mouth. His eyes, brewing with darken amusement dance on her bruised face.
"I gave my word to him, Lucas. A deal is a deal"

The man behind her step out, laughing lightly. "That guy is a fuckin' dick" He had laugh some more and y/n's ears rang with its sound as the hot blood rage soar in her veins "What a piece of shit, selling this bitch out after what she had done to him" He slammed his shoulder to her lightly, wearing a grin that almost made her eyebrow twitch. "Boss can still change his mind y'know? We can kill him for ya' dolly, that guy dont deserve to live. Just say the word"

Y/n looked away from him, ignoring the way her body ache at every loud beat of her drumming heart. How her knees still shake and her hands trembled.

"Would you want us?" The smooth, almost, hypnotizing voice of the man across her had asked. The cigarette hanging on his mouth burn as he inhaled.

"See? Told ya' he'll change his mind" the other man had nudged her again with a light giddy laugh. Almost childish. "Big boss over 'ere is weak to pretty women, specially young ones" he wiggled his brows suggestively and yet their boss did not even blink nor stop his silly antics. He only stared at her, only watch, as if waiting for her word.

"The others.." her voice came raspy, breathy. Filled with exhaustion.
"..where are they?"

The one who was in charge gave her a smirk "worried about the red hair huh?" He then chuckled when she had glare "they got away of course, it is expected and fortunately I did the right thing by not putting much of my men on his path, the other groups tho...well they were wiped out" he blew a smoke right into her face "he killed half of our rival group and we got you, it's a good day for us"

With her sweetened breath [ONE PIECE]Where stories live. Discover now