The suspicion

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Ever since that encounter with Sebastian that day, Liv could never have a good night sleep again. Every night when she sleeps, her mind is filled with visions that involves her but none of it is with Claude. When she wakes up, she will try to write down as much as she remember in a small notebook. 

Days passed, Liv could be seen getting paler by the lack of sleep. She tried asking Claude for their wedding photos before the coma but was always brushed off easily by Claude. Suspicion piles up more and more as the vision written in her notebook gets more and more. 

Feeling the stress piling up more than before, she went back to her room and decided to grab a random book from Claude's book rack to read and relax for the whole day. 

Looking at the huge amount of books of different genre, it was hard for her to decide on what she wants as each of it looks interesting. Glancing through racks and racks of books, a book caught her eyes. It was just a normal book about a human girl, Pocahontas. 

Although just a normal book, but the book spine is so worn out due to the wear and tear showing that the book had been taken out multiple times compared to any others book on the rack. 

Curiosity hits almost immediately as to why was the book so interesting to be read so many times. She pulled the book out and was shocked to find out that the book could not be removed but a "click" sound was hear and part of he shelf was open. Looking into the space, she saw a flight of stairs leading down. 

Liv's POV

Looking at the door, other that shock all I can feel is a bigger shock. Feeling brave and adventurous, I started walking down the stair until I reached a door. 

Slowly I pushed the door open bit by bit and was hit strongly by the smell of blood. Entering the room, What I saw would probably make me have nightmares for the rest of my life, 

Piles of beheaded head filled the corner of he room, bloods spreading all around it, on the other corner, clothes soaked in blood are also piled up.  Looking at those clothes which looks familiar, i found out it all belong to Claude. 

Fear crept up as I notice a board with thousands of pictures of me doing all kind of activities, some was it was with Sebastian but his face was carved out. 

Just then, I noticed some bottles and a recipe on the table, taking the drink to my nose, it sell similar the the drink i take everyday and the recipe states 2 words 'Love Potion'. 

Swallowing back the fear and theurge to vomit from all the things in the room, I quickly ran up back the stairs and closed the shelf. 

Remembering the pictures, I  know that there is only one person which I probably asked to clear all my confusion. 


Wife Of Sebastian Michealis (oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora