The Departure

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As the maid and sebastian was fighting, many things broke creating noises which soon attracted a cook, gardener and the old butler. Soon Livana was trying to block attacks from five person instead of two person. Bullets, utensils, flame thrower and statue was soon thrown onto Livana's direction. No matter how strong was her, her shield couldn't last that long especially when the utensils that was thrown by her husband is surrounded by his power even if its only a little bit. Slowly by slowly cracks began to form on her shield, peeling the shield down piece by piece. By this time, ciel had noticed the seriousness of the matter and panicked as Livana did not meant any harm to him nor have any intention to harm him. All she did was ask a question about her husband.

Quickly, ciel peeled off his eyepatch and shouted an order. "Sebastian, STOP THE ATTACK. THIS IS AN ORDER".

By hearing that all the servants stop the attack immediately, but one of the knife that was thrown at Livana's direction was not stop in time

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By hearing that all the servants stop the attack immediately, but one of the knife that was thrown at Livana's direction was not stop in time. When the knife reaches Livana's shield, it shattered. The force of the knife was so strong that it caused a deep cut across Livana's  right cheek.

With shocked present on all servant's face, they watch Livana with wide eyes as she shakily raised her hand to her face and touch the cut that was oozing out blood.

Livana's pov
Feeling shocked, hurt and fear. I slowly raised my hand to my cheek where I fell pain. Upon removing my hand, I was shocked to see that there are blood on my finger. What hurt me the most was that this wound was create non other than my husband, and he could not recognise him even though I was standing right in front of him.   My worst fear had came to me.... Did all this happened because I did not look for him? Did this happen because I am to clingy that he just wants to leave me? Or is it because that I am such a disgrace as a wife that he would prefer to just forget about me and block me mostly out from our link? By the time I realised that my face was bleeding, I found out that other than tears, there were something out that was flowing down my face, it was tears. The feeling of hurt and sadness was so great that I did not even noticed that I sent a wave of emotions to anyone who was in the room. Feeling sad and hurt I look up to my husband's face which was filled with shock but mostly confused.... He really did forget about me, didn't he? Was three years all it takes to forget a person? I really regretted this trip....  Quickly I look back to the floor to prevent him from seeing my tears, as I muttered a quick sorry, I ran back into the carriage and ordered the small demon to bring me back home on the spot. Once the door closed, I cried my eyes out remembering the look on my husband's face, I also block of the mental link that was between me and my husband completely. The wolf and the other small demon tried to calm me but to no avail, I cried and cried knowing that this could be the end to me and the King's marriage.

Just as I was crying, I did not noticed that the surrounding was totally different from the road that I came from. Once I noticed it..... BANG!!! A loud crashed was heard and it brought me back to reality immediately. By the blink of an eye, the door for the carriage was ripped open and someone came in and grabbed me. Shouting I tried to struggle from that person but he was to strong and I was to weak to fight back..... Just before I blacked out I shouted to the weak mental link that was left between me and my husband......

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