The Kidnapped

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??? Pov
When I saw that Livana was hurt and she ran off alone, I knew it that it was my only chance to get her. Foolish king, not knowing it was his wife and hurting her! Seeing as the carriage took off, I jumped off from the roof of the Phantomhive estate and went after the carriage.

Once catching up with the carriage, Livana was to sad to noticed that I was even on top of the carriage. Looking down at her crying state, it drives me mad with anger on how dare the king made her cry. She is supposed to be happy, laughing and enjoying life. She should have been with me! If she was with me, i would never make her cry. She would only have her eyes on me, giving me kids after kids.

Without her noticing, I ripped the carriage door apart, startling her. She started to struggle against my grip trying to get far away from me. Before she could conjour any power to defeat her stranger, I hit the back of her neck, knocking her out almost instantly. Picker her up bridal style, I tucked a strand of her hair to the back of her ear. Looking king at her tears stained face, I kissed her forehead, hugging her closer to me. Trust me Livana, once you are with me, I will make sure that anyone who dares take you away from me dies a painful death. You will learn to accept me no matter what for I love you so damn much. I will lock you up to me so that you will never escape from me.

Just then when I was about to leave, I didn't noticed the wolf that was with Livana. The wolf glared at me as I was carrying the Queen away. Growling at me, it charged at me biting me at the arm, protecting Livana, I fought with the wolf, even though it was strong, an animal was still an animal. Getting annoyed, I conjured a ball of power and send it to the direction of the wolf. Hiiting the wolf, it fell down, hurt, blood from its body slowly dyed its snow white skin blood red.

Looking at the body in the carriage, I chuckled, as if a tiny wolf could stop me from taking away my love. Carrying Livana, I jumped off from the carriage heading back to the place where I am going to chain Livana up and mate with her......

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