Chapter 07

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Chapter 07: Cross Street Corner

Mo Hantian had been in a very bad mood these days.

After the defeat in the World Series, Coach Zhang was scolded very badly and Mo Hantian definitely couldn’t escape the various greetings of the keyboard warriors.

“The sniper of other people’s national team did a headshot but our sniper shot the air?”

“Mo Hantian has been living in the atmosphere. He can only shoot the clouds in the air!”

“I was disgusted to see his ads plastered all over the subway stations. I don’t even want to sit on the subway.”

“The ambassador of Gun King? Aren’t you an undercover agent sent by another game to deliberately disgust Gun King players?”

“How did you get into the national team based on this marksmanship? You can’t even hit the corner of my clothes!”

“Xiao Mo, retire. You can probably make money by shooting idol dramas!”

Mo Hantian had tens of millions of Weibo fans and the fans would naturally protect their idol. They said that the national team lost because there was a problem with Coach Zhang’s tactical arrangements. Even so, there were a large number of passersby who scolded Mo Hantian’s poor marksmanship and the comments area was filled with fighting for several days.

The remarks of these anti-fans were like a slap in the face and made him restless.

Currently, the national team didn’t have a new coach and it wasn’t known what the next arrangements would be.

Mo Hantian was in a bad mood so he logged into his side account and casually went to the online game to play.

He was the main sniper of the national team so playing the 2000 segment was like a Doctor of Mathematics doing the addition and subtraction calculations of primary school students. It was a piece of cake! He needed to abuse the weak to regain a bit of self-confidence.

The game started quickly and Jiang Shaoyu was randomly assigned to the ‘lurker’ team.

This map was more difficult for the lurkers to fight. The sniper on the opposite side just had to set up the gun high in a building and the range could cover almost the entire map. A powerful sniper could kill them the moment they emerged. Of course, in close combat and with flexible positioning, buildings could be used as obstacles so that the sniper couldn’t see them.

His teammates rushed out.

Fruit Pie and Pudding Jelly were the uncles who spoke in the voice channel. The two of them carried guns and went to the left road while Gun King No. 77 also went to the left road.

Jiang Shaoyu glanced at the position of his teammates and took Doudou to the right. He sneaked into a building complex as quickly as the wind and Doudou immediately followed behind him.

Less than half a minute after the start of the gun, there was a clear gunshot from the northwest direction of the map.

[Devil333 has used the DSR-Apocalypse to kill Fruit Pie with a headshot!]

It seemed that the uncle fan was careless. He was killed in seconds by Mo Hantian the moment he emerged. The DSR sniper gun had a very long range and high accuracy. It was Mo Hantian’s favorite weapon.

After killing someone, he smiled a bit and thought, ‘The low segments are indeed filled with rookies. Killing people is so easy’.

Mo Hantian narrowed his eyes and quickly shifted the muzzle of his gun, wanting to kill Pudding Jelly who had rushed out with Fruit Pie.

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