Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Making Bold Changes Upon Assuming Office

In the World Series, the Chinese team encountered the US team in the first match of the group stage.

The level of the Gun King professional league in the United States was very high and there were many powerful teams. Once the stars of the teams were gathered for the national team, they became the favorites to win the World Series.

There wasn’t much chance of winning against the US team so Coach Zhang let the newcomer Mo Hantian play. He obviously wanted to hone the newcomer and let Xiao Mo find the right state in the game as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Mo’s mentality was directly worn down to the ground!

There was a powerful sniper in the US team called Wesley. Mo Hantian fought against him and couldn’t fight back. He was directly shot in the head and gained a serious psychological shadow. This led to him not playing well in the subsequent rounds.

Today, Jiang Shaoyu once again took out the Skyscraper map.

Mo Hantian couldn’t help recalling the scene of the World Series.

The map loaded and the familiar scenery made Mo Hantian tense.

Where would God Wing be hiding? Would he suddenly pop out and kill him like Wesley?

Mo Hantian held the mouse nervously and carefully moved to the west. He hid behind buildings and moved quickly between the high-rise buildings. Then he found a sniping point and climbed up to hide. He took advantage of the high terrain to carefully observe his surroundings.

There was no trace of God Wing at all. He hesitated for two seconds before climbing down the building to find the next sniping point.

The newcomers standing behind Jiang Shaoyu and watching were already covered with sweat.

Xiao Mo, Coach Jiang just saw you! Your figure flashed in his scope and he locked onto your position!

Mo Hantian thought he was very cautious. In fact, there might be many sniping points on the map but there were only three near the birth point. Jiang Shaoyu predicted where Mo Hantian might go, found a sniping point at a diagonal angle and set up an ambush in advance.

Mo Hantian hesitated and lingered there for two seconds. Jiang Shaoyu had opened the scope to observe and accurately captured the exposed muzzle of his gun.

The next step was waiting for the rabbit.

Jiang Shaoyu calculated the movement time and quickly circled to the next sniping point.

As Mo Hantian came to the second sniping point and opened the scope to observe, a harsh gunshot entered his ears. A bullet shot from the rear, diagonal direction from a super long distance like it had been waiting for him and hit him in the head!

[‘Casually’ has used Balot-Adjudication to kill ‘Devil333’ with a headshot!]

The Balot was heavier and less suitable for mobile combat but it had a much longer range than the MSG. It took a person’s head instantly from thousands of meters away.

This was a real sniper!

Mo Hantian stared at the gray screen in a confused state.

He hadn’t seen God Wing’s position at all. This feeling of ‘I can’t see the enemy but I was killed by the enemy’ was simply the face-to-face humiliation of being abused by a master.

Mo Hantian’s eyes were red and his hands were shaking as they left the keyboard. He hadn’t even survived three minutes in God Wing’s hands…

This map was truly his nightmare!

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