Chapter 178

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The group stage of the sixth World Series officially ended on the evening of December 7, and the official website of the Gun King World League released this year's top 16 list.

upper half

Group A: USA, Indonesia

Group B: Australia, Japan

Group C: South Korea, New Zealand

Group D: France, Russia

lower half

Group E: Singapore, United Kingdom

Group F: China, Germany

Group G: Italy, Malaysia

Group H: Brazil, Vietnam

Most of the teams that made it to the final round were as expected, and the most surprising one was Group F.

At the beginning, the media of various countries were generally optimistic about the first place in Germany and the second place in Canada in Group F. Unexpectedly, the Huaguo team won three consecutive games in Group F, and finally the first place in the group qualified and became the strongest dark horse in this world championship.

According to the rules of the game, in the next knockout stage, the first in the group vs. the second in the group, the opponent in group F is group E, and the next team Huaguo will face is the second place in group E: the British team.

After going back that night, Jiang Shaoyu struck while the iron was hot, made a detailed review of today's game, and then told the team members, "Everyone has worked hard after the group stage, go back to rest tonight, and we will arrange the next game tomorrow. Contest."

In fact, Jiang Shaoyu was not worried about fighting the UK.

After all, Singapore in Group E has beaten the United Kingdom, but Huaguo can easily beat Singapore in the usual practice matches.

Coaches from several countries in Asia set up a group to play practice matches with the Huaguo team. Under Jiang Shaoyu's "abuse", their level has improved by leaps and bounds. They have performed well in this World Championship, and several teams have entered the top 16. The first place in Group E of Singapore qualified for the tournament, which was also expected by Jiang Shaoyu.

The overall strength of the British team is not as good as that of the German team. Although they are a European team, because the head coach is a retired Canadian player, their style is more similar to that of Canada.

When China vs Canada, Jiang Shaoyu let Liu Shaozhou play and replaced Pei Feng. Pei Feng sat in the audience and watched the entire game, and knew Canada's style and rhythm well. Therefore, in the next match against England, Jiang Shaoyu will ask Pei Feng to command, and he has confidence in his apprentice.

After returning that night, Pei Feng turned on his phone and sent a voice message to Master. "Master, last time I watched Canada's game and found that their two snipers would cooperate with each other. We can win the whole picture of Neverland. Rely on Xueyao to move the team back and forth and walk them to fight. The two British snipers are more powerful than the Canadian ones, does Master have any special tactics?"

Jiang Shaoyu just finished taking a shower, when he heard a low voice coming from his mobile phone, he was stunned and replied, "Aren't you sleeping yet?"

Pei Feng sent the familiar tilde. "Can't sleep~~"

If you can't fall asleep, you drag Master to chat? Jiang Shaoyu felt a little helpless in his heart, but he couldn't drive him to sleep directly, so he said casually, "The British team's snipers are slightly stronger than Canada's, but the overall strength of the British team is not as good as Canada's, we can join the three-sniper lineup, It's easy to win by breaking their mentality."

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