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It's almost midnight. Amory Manor's mainly dormant, which could be pretty creepy if you look at it one way. It's architecture resembles a museum so when dark and quiet, it's said to be chilling.

As I sit in my room, I've always found the manor to be so much more beautiful as night arrives. The stars seem to alight something in the crevices of the intricate walls. Me and Dad always thought that. It becomes more of a palace under the moonlight.

I always feel incredibly small in this room of mine. It's way too big to accommodate me but complaining makes me feel horrid.

The balcony doors are open, the silk curtains rustling slightly from the occasional night breeze. I sit on the plush carpet with a roll of tape, wrapping paper and Leia in my lap.

"You think I can do this in time?" I ask Leia, tearing a piece of tape with my teeth, "I think I can. Just gotta believe in myself."

I fold the wrapping paper and tape it securely, now turning it to get the corners. I pause for a second when Leia stares right up at me.

"Oh come on. Don't give me that look." I look up to the clock, "Seven minutes. I can do it."

I ignore what feels like a disbelieving gaze from my cat and heavily focus on wrapping this. The whole ordeal stresses me out, especially when I can never get the corners right.

"You know," I fiddle with folding the edges, "God forbid you're ever confronted with a problem, Leia. For somebody that sleeps and poops all day, you should have a more positive outlook. Less pessimism. Am I right?"

She bares her teeth but nestles against me anyways. This girl gives me whiplash.

After a few more pieces of tape, I grin and hurriedly lift myself and Leia up. Setting her on the bed, I slip on some flats that match my silk nightgown and rush towards the door.

Just before I slip out, I tap Ripley's cage and smile at her, "Love you."

I can never bring my hamster out much unless Leia's in a complete other part of the house so I have to reaffirm my love for her sometimes. More for myself, than for her. I wish a perfect world existed, where cats and hamsters bind together as allies instead of rivals.

As soon as I slip out my door, my smile could light up these dim, long halls. This might be my favourite time of the year and I know he's secretly smiling right now too, in anticipation of me.

My feet pat against the empty manor, echoing against the tall walls as I rush up the staircases. The library's in the east wing, far from where my room resides in the west.

Running, it takes me about four and a half minutes to get to. I should be on time. I pass all the bedrooms and the billiards room and revel in my run through this manor. Gliding through it now, everything a dark blur before I pass, it's prettier.

I'm practically heaving when I finally open the library doors. It's one of the biggest rooms, spanning so high that I have to crane my neck back to look at the ceiling, which hasn't been spared of a single empty space.

It's all gold intricacies and engravings, absolutely everywhere. Lavish with tall dark bookshelves lining the expanse. With the balcony curving around the whole room, it's only accessible by one thing.

I keep the present under my arm and practically stumble towards the ladder. The extremely freaking lengthy ladder. If I move my legs fast enough, I'll brave it in time.

When I eventually make it to the top and reach the balcony, which consists of more bookshelves and more windowsills, I keep my tired feet moving.

I hurry around to the back right, where his favourite windowsill lies and as soon as I curve around the bookshelf, I slap a hand on the wood and fold over.

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