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It's late. Later than I should be and all I pray is mom isn't awake as I quietly shut the front door behind me. I could cover it up by saying I was away with Aurelie, in the library somewhere but if she's drunk, she won't care.

Sage has cut off all her access to alcohol but I'm sure she could find a way, if she tried. God, I hate being so scared. I am, though. I always am within these walls.

I hear nothing as I gently traipse through the manor until voices sound out. I don't hear mom's, only my brothers so I turn the corner into one of the lounge rooms.

I pause in my tracks, eyes wide, "What the hell."

Grayson and Sage look beaten to a pulp. They sit on couches opposite each other, nursing their bruises with ice packs and glaring at one another. Mother's not around so I'm just...even more confused.

It doesn't take me much to figure out they've been in a fight, if the tense silence is any indication. The way their glares are burning into one another also sort of gives it away. Grayson's draped lazily, lip bruised and jaw purplish. Sage's tie is loose around his neck, a cut to his eye.

"I didn't know you guys were wrestlers." I lean a side against the doorway, "You look great."

They both glare at me. I smile meekly.

"Wrestlers have technique." Azure speaks up from where he's sitting on the windowsill, a book in his lap, "I'd say neanderthals better fit their description."

"Do you want a fucking go, smartass?" Grayson seethes, shifting his icepack. Azure doesn't even lift his gaze.

"Verbal sparring is more my fortè." He plainly turns the page of his paperback, "I'm not so tragic to resort to physical violence as a result of emotion."

Grayson snaps, lifting from his seat and storming over to Azure like he wants to rip out our little brother's hair. I hurry after him but Gray gets there before me, lifting Az's book and tossing it at the ground.

Like an angry toddler.

Azure slowly looks up, "You sure know how to scare me."

Grayson's about to lunge but I hurriedly slip between them so if Gray hits, he hits me. He pauses, looks down to me and pointedly rolls his eyes, "Tell your bestie to shut the fuck up. For once."

Grayson backs off and I look down to Azure, sending him a look. He knows when he riles Grayson, he takes pleasure in it. His lips just slightly quirk upwards, eyes glinting with devilishness.

"What happened?" I look to Sage but he doesn't answer me.

I look to Az instead for answers but he shrugs, "I arrived when the pigs had stopped rolling around."

He's lucky he's never been beaten up by Gray with that continuous pig analogy. I honestly think it's a miracle. Although, today might be the day because Gray's started to fist the couch beneath him so tightly I'm worried he might rip through it.

Sage stands, tossing the icepack at the ground and not glancing at any of us. He doesn't look as injured as Gray but he does look burdened, tired. It's instinct for me to somehow comfort him so I'm across the room before I can think about it, standing in his path.

His eyes flit down to me, serious, "Not now, Violet."

"Just tell me what happened. You only beat each other up when someone's been keeping a secret." I duck into his path again when he tries to move away from me. His jaw clenches when he sighs.

Misfits (#2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora