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"A party, Hudson? Are you kidding?" Luca snaps as we step out of the cab.

"I just need to meet someone. I fucking said you didn't have to come." He slams the door shut behind him, "We'll be five minutes, max."

We only insisted to come because we were bored out of our damn minds in that hotel room. I know we're in Boston for a reason but it's pretty shit being trapped in a hotel room, when there's a city we haven't seen and time to pass until Violet's ballet tomorrow.

Boston kinda feels like a smaller New York City, a little less chaotic but still packed with those sky rise buildings and liveliness. Violet's in this city. She has been for months. I think I'll always have a fucking vendetta against Boston. Stupid, shitty, city.

We're in a more affluent area, the party house more like a mansion. It's lined with neon lights and people packed out on the driveway. Speakers boom music from the inside, the familiar yelling and cheering. I don't know why the fuck we're here but hey, there's no bad time for a party. Even if my mind's repetitively spinning on one girl.

Luca just shrugs and we follow Hudson inside. Soon, he's vanished within the crowd of people and texts us to say that he'll meet us soon. Cryptic asshole. I didn't bring any of my own weed and it's a little difficult seeing all the alcohol, everywhere. Bottles, cups, kegs.

Parties are harder to go to, than they once were. It's hard to avoid your impulses when it surrounds you. Instead of that, I snatch a cigarette from one of Luca's pack to distract myself.

Black and red strobe lights flash around the house, illuminating everyone before darkening them again. I could feel the eyes on us as soon as we stepped in. We've felt them since me, Luca and Hud were kids and started partying. Young, and we never had trouble with girls. Once, we would have indulged them but our minds are elsewhere. His is with Ria in Manhattan. Mine's with Vy, wherever she is in this stupid, shitty, city.

I lean against a counter, taking a deep drag of the Marlboro but abruptly, a body bumps into mine.

I look up to be met with sharp, black eyes and even darker raven, black hair. Sharply buzzed on the sides but long at the top, half slicked back and half tousled as if it's purposeful. He blinks and then his pink lips turn upwards. Something about him immediately sets me on guard.

"You want something, dude?" My eyebrows furrow.

"Not right now, necessarily." He cracks his knuckles, bending his fingers backwards in a repetitive motion, "Nice to meet you, Everest Jones."

My whole fucking body locks up. I don't know this guy but there's something off about his eyes that toe the line between coldness and devouring curiosity. Like as if when he's interested in you, he wants to fucking eat you whole. A thick, heavy British accent to compliment that and he's like the cunning main character of a thriller.

"What the fuck-" I stand, but a body passes between us and in that fleeting time, he's vanished, "Hey!"

I look around, anywhere but can't spot the same raven, black hair or the suit he was wearing, in the midst of a fucking party. Tie loose around his neck, a recklessness to him.

"Who the fuck was that?" Luca's jaw is tight.

"I don't know." I say, "I don't want to know either."

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now