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The sky's darkening now that the sun's set. I look over my shoulder to Violet, her hand in mine as we weave through the dark. I've lent her my hoodie so she can hide. If we get caught, consequences matter much more to her than they do to me.

"Everest." She whisper shouts, which sounds pretty adorable, "Where are we going?"

I lead us past the bushes, "Just trust me."

"I definitely do not trust you. If I don't trust anyone, right now, it's the lunatic that's possibly leading me to my death-"


She mutters, trying to stay quiet, "Right. Sorry."

My lips lift a little at her nervousness. Through this clearing, there should be the house I'm looking for. Her hand's tightly clasped in mine and I use the other one to adjust the black beanie over my head.

We shouldn't get in too much trouble, if we get caught.

The spray paint can in my hand has never caused me that much harm before. At most, a night in the precinct before they let me go. I'll make sure Violet doesn't get caught, if police are called. But I'm a fucking expert. No need for the po po.

We make it past the clearing and are met with a line of bushes. The backyard of that motherfuckers house.

I crouch and pull Violet down so she's right besides me. She huddles close to me and I shake the spraypaint can, Violet's face paling.

"Where are we?" She asks again, "Please inform me before I go insane. What if we're sent to Juvie? I know you're pretty familiar with it but I'd die-"

"I'd protect you behind bars." I taunt and she doesn't look too happy. I smile, "Kidding. I'm kidding. We're not gonna get caught. Trust me."

"You gotta stop saying that when we're hiding behind a bunch of bushes."

"I promise." I grab her chin so she's looking right at me. It's dark but I can make out her features, even with the hood over her head. We're crouching but she's smaller beneath me so I say it seriously, "I've been playing this game since I was a fucking six year old, Vy. We're not getting caught."

It takes her a moment, green eyes flitting between mine before she nods, whispering, "Okay."

"Remember Aster Gomez?" I ask her.

She looks confused for a minute before realisation dawns, "The guy from the party? He dented your car."

"And he fucked me over with coach." I tell her, looking over the bushes, "He planted steroids in some of the guys lockers, including mine. Coach knows me. I've never touched steroids. I'm lucky I got out of it."

That fucking prick. He's known to be a rich misogynist with a cop daddy. There's been sexual assault claims towards him in the past but coincidentally, nothing ever came out of it.

Taylor kicked him off the soccer team after the shit he pulled with Violet and Aurelie at the party but no less than a week later, he had to return. Coach said that it wasn't in his hands. Translation: Aster ran to daddy to solve his problems.

The steroid thing was the breaking point. Taylor has a strong moral compass and isn't dumb. As much as he may want to, he won't retaliate.

Misfits (#2)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat