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Luca breaks the silence in the elevator, "You had reunion sex, huh?"

My eyes bug, choking on a breath. That's the first thing anyone's said throughout the entire elevator ride. Everest's watching me and starts to smirk.

"You," Luca slams his finger into Ev's chest, "Can never fucking complain about the balcony fuck again."

"Shut up, Luca." Everest pulls me close and winds his long, strong arms around me possessively.

I want to hide my face somehow but Everest has my arms trapped and I can't lift my hands to slap them over my face. So I just turn bright red and avoid their gazes. Everest snickers and nips at my neck from behind me, whispering lowly, "Reunion sex might be the best of them all."

I shiver but control myself. He cannot tease me anymore today. I'm still sore because he didn't stop after two orgasms. He pulled so many out of me that I swear I ascended somewhere. And he only stopped when one of the waitstaff knocked the door and told us we were landing soon.

He was tempted to fuck me through the landing but I gathered my wits, stopped and quickly showered with him. I think if he kept going, I would have started to come with every thrust, too wound up, too obsessed with him. The walk of shame out of that bedroom was painful. Walls aren't soundproof in a private jet but I had been far too lost in Everest Jones to care.

Most of the car ride was spent in Ev's arms and now, my skin buzzes with anticipation as I watch the number of the level we're on rise.

"Seriously, you couldn't have been quieter? Even the flight attendants were blushing." Luca feels the need to add.

"Shut your trap. You get to fuck soon too, buddy. We're two levels away." Ev bites back, "Untwist your balls."

Luca glares, "The fuck? Untwist my-"

The doors chime open and I don't care for any of them. I snatch the keycard from Everest and rush out faster than any of them.

"Vy-" Ev calls.

I don't slow down as I basically sprint down the hallway, keycard in hand. My girls. My whole body thrums with anticipation to see them again. My sexy superwomen. I miss their beautiful faces so much and I've been surrounded by too much testosterone since last night. They bicker constantly. Who has the energy to argue so much, and at all times? I need my girls, like I need oxygen right now.

I slide the keycard and hurriedly open the door.

Val seems to have been pacing because she's stood right at the mouth of the hallway, stopping dead in her tracks as soon as she sees me. Her jaw literally drops. We're dead silent and staring at each other for a few seconds.

And then Val shrieks in excitement. The high-pitched, type of ear splitting shriek you only hear in movies and I've barely braced myself before she's run over to me.

I stumble back, catching her embrace and colliding with Everest's chest behind me. He's still groaning, rubbing at his ears as if she just burst his eardrums.

"Ohmygod. You're okay. You're in tact." She's squeezing me so damn tight and I let her because I've needed it for the past five months. I almost burst into tears, "I love you so goddamn much. I missed you."

"I missed you so much more." I bury my face in her neck, "Ria? Where's Ria?"

"Oh my fucking god, ballerina." Ria outright sighs and she's somehow right besides us, her arms wound around us. She's taller than us two so she easily cages us in, her head on top of ours.

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now