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My grandfather founded our family-owned country club, Harrison's. It's prestige and most of the douches that spend their time here playing golf or sipping champagne are obnoxious as hell.

It's a pretty building, though. I'm dressed in a two-piece plaid Chanel set. White overcoat and a skirt. I love it cos it kinda makes me feel all french. If I had a berèt, I so would be.

Speaking of France, I'm pretty sure Sage is going on business there soon.

He used to invite me to come along with him to this country club a lot more when I was little because then, I was less naive to how annoying everyone is. I ceased my trips with him but he offered today and I couldn't say no.

I overheard him talking about a new opening of a hotel in Provence, near the coast so whilst we're walking languidly through the golf fields, I muster up the nerve to ask, "So, you're going to France?"


"Are you excited?" I smile and he sends me a look.

He hates France. I'm not really sure why but where I find the smaller towns beautiful, he finds them boring and uninteresting. Sage prefers the high-life of big cities and the lack of calm.

Dad would take me to France all the time. I think he knew that the manor wasn't the place where I felt like I most belonged, so when he'd travel to places like Belgium or Italy and especially France, he'd steal me away so I could have my fun.

"You want to come." He infers.

I sigh and tilt my head to the sky, "Paris is always a good idea."

"Is that the Hepburn quote?" He guesses and I nod, smiling.

"Paris fashion week is soon, Sage." I make my eyes wide, "Do you know how badly I've always wanted to go? I would literally love you forever. Pinky promise."

He mock gasps, "Of course. Now that you've used that extremely overused promise."

I groan. Okay, I might have promised to 'love him forever' like fifty times, just to get what I want but who cares? It's not like I ever unlove him, so I upkeep my promise.

"I'll think about it." He says and my head snaps up to him. He warns, "Relax. It's likely I'll say no."

I nod but stifle a smile that he rolls his eyes at as we walk up a small hill of the golf field. The sun shines now that summer's approaching and at the thought of school ending, I remember-

"I got into NYU." I tell him. He looks down to me, eyebrows furrowed.

"And you didn't think to tell me? That's great, Vy." His lips turn up slightly. It's an essence of pride and god, I'm pathetic because it kickstarts my chest.

I think, deep down, I'll always be like the little sister that just wants her older brother's validation. Even if said big brother is not that great at expressing his emotions all the time. Nicer than Grayson though.

He's dressed in a black Armani two-piece suit, perfectly fitted to his frame and I don't miss the gawking glanced from the country club workers as we walk past. Sage just walks on, hands in pocket, effortlessly oozing confidence, whether he sees all the women or not.

"Well, I got into Stanford and Princeton too. And I know they're better schools but I just- I want normal." I tell him, gauging his reaction.

"Of us all, Vy, you deserve to just be a kid." He says back and my chest lightens, "If mom tries to fight you on it, I'll fight right back. So don't do anything stupid and betray my trust until then."

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now