Attack on Clonshire City (3)

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(Kasumi's POV)

The monsters and demons are still continuously coming, which causes huge amounts of causalities. There are at least 5 thousand hunters and 2 thousand Vampire Slayers remaining who aren't either severely injured or dead, which isn't enough since there are still hundreds of thousands of monsters and demons left.

As for me, I think I can stay fighting for at least another hour. I hope Lily is safe and has thought of something to help us out of our current predicament.

Five monsters attack me at once, so I use my Fox-Fire Magic Infused Katana to slash at their legs and eventually their necks in a matter of a few seconds.

(Lily's POV)

After killing another tens of thousands, I sensed two vampires heading toward me from the same direction as the previous two vampires did. I guess they realized that sending one wasn't enough, so they sent two this time.

They arrived a few seconds later. One of them was a man with a bulky physique, wearing a blue shirt with black pants, pointed ears with a short blackish-white hat and red-colored eyes. The other one had a scrawny physique, wearing a black shirt and black pants, pointed ears with short white hair and red-colored eyes.

They landed five meters away from me with their blood attributed weapons in hand. One of them had a Blood Attributed Sword while the other had Blood Attributed Daggers similar to the ones the others had before.

"Are you the one who killed Kane and Elvira?" The bulky vampire asked.

"No need to ask when you already know the answer". I said coldly.

"So it was you". The bulky vampire said while he began to attack.

Both of them dashed toward me at the same time. One of them was attacking from my right, while the other was attacking from my left. I disappeared from my position by using short-range teleportation and reappeared behind the balky vampire, which was followed by a slash with my scythe to his neck.


Blood splattered all over the place, the bulky vampire was able to avoid any fatal injuries at the cost of a huge gash on his back which was now squirting all over.

Shortly after, his injuries started healing at the speed that your eyes could see. He was still able to fight, but he would definitely be affected by the injury for at least 10 minutes.

I took this time to attack the bulky vampire which was blocked by his dagger launching backwards from the collision.

I teleported behind him and slashed at his neck, which he blocked, which went 2/4s into his neck from the force of my strike.

He then landed three meters in front of me, with a hand over his injury. After a few seconds, the injury stopped bleeding. The scrawny man and bulky man then attacked once again, trying to corner me.

The scrawny vampire slashed at my neck while the bulky vampire attacked my abdomen. I dodged the scrawny vampire attack while clashing with the bulky vampire with a Blood Dagger coated in Chaos Magic.

I then teleported behind the bulky vampire after destroying my Blood Dagger and slashed with my scythe at his neck, which was able to cut 1/3 of his neck.

He attacked me shortly after my attack, and I was able to avoid any fatal damage, but my arm was completely destroyed, which would take at least 10-20 minutes to heal.

I took this chance to appear above the scrawny vampire and slashed at his neck, which went 2/3s through his neck, nearly killing him in the process.

The scrawny vampire was barely able to stop the scythe from slicing his whole head off. He got launched into the air, which I took advantage of and sliced the remaining 1/4 of his neck, killing him instantly.

After killing the scrawny vampire, the bulky vampire attacked again, which led to him dying shortly after by slicing off his thick neck.

I started killing monsters and demons after killing them, which eventually led to 2 more vampires appearing shortly after, which ended similarly to the previous battle.

A few minutes after killing the two vampires, the remaining four vampires showed up and we started our fight shortly after.

One of them attacked from my right while the others attacked from the three remaining directions at the same time. I slashed my scythe counterclockwise, which clashed with the one behind me and to the right of me. I then used the force from the clash to slide through the other two attacks which ended up with me cutting off one of the vampire's arms.

I used Aerodynamics to make a foot hold in the air and rebound back to take another strike which sliced through his neck like butter before he could react.

The three remaining vampires still continuously attacked even though one of them died in a matter of a few seconds. They kept using their formation, but this time it was a triangular one.

I slid through their attacks while attacking at the same time. Each time I attacked, they either got blocked with difficulty or were injured, but they kept being persistent with their never-ending attacks.

After five minutes, I was able to kill two more, leaving one left. She was very desperate in her attacks, trying to either kill me or severely injure me.

She was able to further injure my arm, but she wasn't able to either kill nor severely injure me before she died after a few minutes more of fighting.

I began rapidly slaughtering the monsters and demons without any interference from vampires, since I killed all the vampires that were in charge of this attack.

I eventually killed all the monsters and demons fifty meters away from the city gate after 10 minutes. I slaughtered and pushed through the horde of them at an extremely fast pace.

After fifteen minutes, she was now five meters away from the city gate with at least five thousand more monsters and demons left. She could tell there was some resistance from the gate, so she guessed that at least a few hunters were still fighting.

Soon enough, the remaining five thousand monsters and demons were killed. Lily walked up to the last remaining hunter who was attacking and collapsed to the ground, which deactivated her Recognition Inhibition skill.

Lily was now unconscious and in her true form in front of the last remaining hunter that hadn't either died or had been sent into the city to be healed.

"Lily?" Kasumi said.

She put her in her embrace to get a better look at Lily's face, and became shocked at what her lover truly was.

"So that's why you were so distant from me, you've a vampire". Kasumi said with a surprised expression.

Even though Kasumi didn't like vampires and would normally kill them on the spot. She couldn't do the same for Lily, who was her first love, so she decided to accept her as who she is.

Kasumi carried her home while keeping anyone from seeing her as quickly as possible. She put her on her bed and she decided to wait until she woke up.

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now