Difficult To Kill

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I checked my system notifications after killing him.

[Host has gained the skill: Void Collapse]

Allows the host to effortlessly destabilize space's fabric in order to create a black hole that will devour everything as it grows in size.

Skill has no effect on the host.

Drawbacks: 90 percent mana, which may reduce as the host's mana pool grows.

"I'll only use this skill if it is needed, since it drains nearly all my mana." I thought as I looked at my system.

"Seems like you were the one in the end to kill him, even though he was stronger than that queen werewolf by a tier." Kasumi said as she entered the corridor and held me in her embrace.

"I acquired a lot of levels from the Black hole I produced, thus I was able to fight on par with him even though he was Mid Platinum Tier, and he was also utilizing a weapon made from a royalty tier vampire's life force." I said as I had a downcast expression.

"As a result, even with the death penalty, people continue to create vampire weapons ten years after they became forbidden." Kasumi stated calmly while attempting to conceal her anger.

"If there are more, finding them will be difficult because anyone inside the three kingdoms could own one; but, if we do find more, I'll kill them on sight." I said with a serious expression on my face.

"Since he's dead, let's get out of here." Kasumi stated as she unwrapped her hand from around my waist and put me into a princess carry.

"Hyaahh, you do realize I can walk, right?" I said as I looked Kasumi in the eyes.

"Yeah, but I want to do this, so don't resist." Kasumi exclaimed as she activated [Gravity Magic] and floated up to the surface.


We quickly reached the surface, and while I didn't resist, I was embarrassed.

"Now that we've made it to the surface, can you let me down?" I said this while looking down at the ground and avoiding eye contact.

"You're embarrassed, aren't you? But, since we've reached the surface, I'll let you down you." Kasumi said as a lighthearted smile came on Kasumi's face

"Thanks." I said as she put me on the ground and I observed the destruction to the gang's hideout.

The once-flat land, which had five entrances, now had a big hole in the center, with no indication of life.

As you could see the ground slowly closing in on itself, it appeared like the environment was trying to mend the destruction, so I activated [Healing Magic] as Kasumi activated [Nature Magic], which substantially boosted the healing.


Soon the once-devastated plain where the hideout had been totally reconstructed, so we left and headed towards Clonshire City before making our way to our house.

"What are we going to do with the Takao Family's young master?" As we sat next to each other on our sofa in our house, I inquired with a tilted head.

"We can't kill him since his family is influential, and there's no evidence that they collaborated together since you destroyed their hideout, which could've held evidence, leaving us helpless." Kasumi sighed, knowing how much she wanted him to get what he deserved.

"I'm sorry, but when I destabilized my space needles, I didn't expect it to turn into a stable black hole that proceeded to devour everything, that I eventually prevented by destabilizing it again, which caused it to soon dissipate." I said with a apologetic look. (A/N - Black holes are inherently stable, however they die when they become unstable.)

"So you used destabilization to cause your space needles to collapse in on itself, forming a black hole that consumed everything, and then you used destabilization to extinguish the black hole, right?" Kasumi smirked as she spoke.

"That's exactly what happened." I verified what she stated with a nod.

"When you've only just achieved Low Gold Tier, why do you have a skill that can basically create black holes?" Kasumi stated with a surprised expression on her face.

"I'm not sure, but we might find out in the future." I said as I rested my head against her shoulder

"True." Kasumi remarked as she rested her head on my shoulder.

Kasumi fell asleep quickly, but I couldn't, so I went into my room and began to meditating until I came up with an idea. (A/N - You'll find out soon.)

(Isamu Takao's Room)

"With the gang's efficiency, those two women should be mine by tomorrow; I can't wait to punish them for their insults to me and have them plead for mercy." Isamu Takao thought this as he fantasized what he would do with the two women.

"Can we have s*x, my love?" One of his wives inquired, her eyes sparkling with love for Isamu Takao.

"Not right now; I need to think, and you sluts aren't going to sleep with me tonight." With a solemn gaze, Isamu Takao stated.

"OK, but your glare and calling me a slut made me wet down there." Another of his wife's expressed her delight.

"They are obedient, but they are too obsessed with having s*x to be of any use to anyone else." As his wife walked out of the room, Isamu Takao expressed his displeasure.

Despite the fact that his bed sheet was already clean, Isamu Takao washed it with water magic before drying it with fire magic, and the only reason he did so was because his wives were lying on it.

After he dried his bed sheet, he lied on it and quickly fell asleep, while dreaming about the pleasure he would have with what he is going to do to the two woman.

After he fell asleep, a faint voice could be heard from a few meters away, which said  "Since you enjoy women so much, why don't you become one?"

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα