Artificial Sun

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Kasumi descended as she said "Sorry it took so long, it takes a lot of mana to produce a ball of Fox-Fire large enough to get rid of the Blizzard."

"I wasn't expecting you to create an artificial sun, but it works, so let's kill her and go to the city before sunrise." I said as I stared at Yuki, who was even more weakened than before.

"Don't kill her immediately; I'd like to read her soul." Kasumi said as she summoned two katanas, one black and the other white, that shimmered with Fox-Fire.

I nodded in response as Kasumi dashed forward and appeared next to Yuki, slashing her two katanas at her.


Despite the heat of both Fox-Fire and the artificial sun, Yuki deflected Kasumi's Katanas with two ice blades, which she was able to achieve since her magic was of higher Tier.



Kasumi was sent flying through the air as Yuki kicked her in the chest, fracturing a several ribs as she flipped in the air before landing and sliding back a few meters.

I appeared behind Yuki as I stabbed my dagger towards Yuki's neck, she ducked, so I conjured a chaos spike on my knee and kneeled it into the back of her knee, tearing her posterior cruciate ligament (PCL for short). (A/N - If you're familiar with ACL, PCL is similar, but slightly different.)

Kasumi appeared next to Yuki and slashed her exposed neck with her katanas.


With no time to dodge or summon a weapon, Yuki held her arm up to block the slash, cutting deeply into her wound, draining her vitality.


She saved her life by severing off her corroded arm, sacrificing many years of her life span in the process.

"I guess I'll end this fight." I thought as I appeared above her, two daggers in hand.

I swooped down on her and stabbed her in the back with both daggers before kicking her in the back, causing her to fall to her knees as I landed behind her.


Yuki screamed as she held her head seeming to have gone crazy.

"What did you do to her?" Kasumi asked as she dispelled [Flow of Life] and unsummoned her katanas.

"Not much, simply confined her in an illusion where she sees her people die all the time and then put a binding spell on her so she couldn't move." I shrugged as a smile crept across her face.

"That's a little too far, but it'll do since it has no influence on my ability to read souls." Kasumi said as she walked over to Yuki, Kasumi put her hand on her head and activated [Soul Reading] while closing her eyes.

After a few minutes of Kasumi standing still, She said "Lily, you might want to see this."

"Alright." I said as I walked over to her, she placed her hand on my head, just as she had done to Yuki.

"All you have to do is close your eyes and I'll take care of the rest." Kasumi said as we both closed our eyes.

(Yuki's Memories)

Yuki sat in her Ice Palace with her cheek resting against her palm and a bored expression etched on her face, while my body was transparent like if I was in my mana realm.

"I'll speed it up, since this is just the beginning." Kasumi said as she floated next to me, looking at Yuki.

It was as if Kasumi had fast forwarded a video, as things quickly changed from day to night, with snow girls conversing with the queen before departing, until it came to a halt at the normal playing speed.

Golden white light descended from the sky into the palace, preventing any of the snow girls from fleeing; yet, it did not kill them; rather, it took control of them, turning the snow girls into puppets, and the snow queen became a loyal servant of the bearer of the golden white energy.

"You'll lead your children in an attack on Utsukushī no Lilly with the intention of killing her and her lover." On a holographic screen, a blurry figure with golden white energy radiating from her materialized.

"She reminds me of someone I know." I said as I shrugged and looked at Kasumi.

"We can't see her clearly, which must be owing to her intervention, as if she knew we'd read her soul." Kasumi said, her hand resting on her chin.

"We won't be able to find anything else with Yuki's memories." I said it with a smile on my face.

As we left the world of Yuki's memories, Kasumi said, "Yeah."

(Back to Reality)

As we both opened our eyes and stared down at the panicked Yuki, Kasumi pulled her hand off my head, so I decided to put an end to Yuki as I rapidly constructed a katana and beheaded her.


As the golden white light dissipated, her head rolled off her body, leaving the snow queen's corpse, which soon dissolved into water before evaporating due to the artificial sun being so close the sky.

Kasumi dispersed the artificial sun, making it feel as if the day had turned into night in an instant. The rich mana that formed the artificial sun was absorbed by the world, making the area increasingly dense with mana.

Kasumi collapsed and fell unconscious, so I quickly stopped her fall and checked her condition.

"Creating the artificial sun must've pushed her to the limit, and the fact that she didn't rest but instead used soul reading pushed her over the limit, causing her to fall unconscious." I said as I carried Kasumi in a princess carry, a smile crept across my face.

I leaped off the ground and flew in the direction we had been heading, as I soon found the city, as we were not far from the first city when we met the snow girls.

I landed on the outskirts of the city and walked to the gate, showed my hunters card, which granted me free access without a fee, so I walked into the city, found an inn, bought a room with two beds, and put Kasumi on one before falling asleep on the other.

(A/N: The Artificial Sun is just a massive ball of compressed Firefox magic.)

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