Kasumi's Past (9): Three Entities As One

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We continued to slaughter the Expert Tier Fiends until we reached the second layer where Low-Mid Master Tier monsters and demons were located.

"Feronia, didn't you say there were only Expert Tier monsters and demons? Then why is there Master Tier?" I asked with an annoyed and frustrated expression.

"Sorry big sis, but they must have appeared after I left and killed my kin, who were Low Master Tier, which I left here to keep watch on the situation, before they could report back". Feronia said with a downcast expression.

"I see, if they can kill that many Low Master Tier without allowing them to report back, then our enemy is at least a High Master Tier monster or demon, which is the one ordering them to invade our territory". I said with a surprised and understanding expression.

It was shocking to Kiyomi, since the 7 families' average Tier is Mid Master Tier with the Kitsunezaki and Fenriru at High Master Tier, the Neko, Kuma, and Harimogura Family at Mid Master Tier, and the Usagi and Māmeido Family at Low Master Tier, so if there was a High Master or Low Chapion Tier monster or demon it would be difficult because of its resistances and tenacity.

We then continued to push our way through the Low-Mid Tier Monsters and demons until they were all killed, leaving corpses and ashes littered across the once captivating beautiful land, which is now covered in craters, leaving no speck of the previous sight.

10 High Master Tier Hellhounds stood in front of  three women that had an average height and slender figure with a large bosom, they wore a black body-con dress with red sleeves. They had silver hair which went down to their butts, a straight black tail, which was arrow tipped at the end, a beautiful face, white canine ears, a slender neck, and red eyes with a vertical slit pupil.

I then decided to appraise the three identical girls in front of me to check their stats:

[Iris] Peak High Master Tier 1/3]

(Appraisal is too low to see further stats)

[Arisu] Peak High Master Tier 1/3]

(Appraisal is too low to see further stats)

[Scylla] Peak High Master Tier 1/3]

(Appraisal is too low to see further stats)

I kept trying to see further stats as well as figure out what the 1/3 meant in the info that was showing, but to no avail.

"Master ordered us to take over this territory and deal with any intruders, so we have to kill you". Iris said with a happy expression.

"Who's your master and why is your master ordering you to attack us?" Fenriru Goro asked with a curious expression.

"You don't have the right to know who our master is and question him". Scylla while radiating killing intent toward Goro.

Soon, the ten hellhounds bolted towards us with insane speed. They soon were in front of us, with their claws extending out, which were about to hit us.

I dodged by a hair, but still got hit by the wind blades created from the power of the attack, but it wasn't lethal or deep.

Another two hellhounds appeared behind me and above me, which I was barely able to dodge.

If we keep fighting on at such a huge disadvantage, then we won't last much longer, so we decided to activate our true form.

[Activated: Shapeshifting (Kitsune)]

After activating the skill, I looked similar to an arctic fox, but I was four meters tall and had nine fluffy white tails.

The hellhounds were launched away from me from my aura, so I decided to shrink myself down to two meters, so I wouldn't be a big target.

The others also decided to transform into their true forms, so the battle began to change from a complete disadvantage to an advantage, but it was still difficult.

The three identical women began attacking us once they realized the hellhounds were beginning to lose.

Each time they attacked and were unable to dodge, which the hellhounds took advantage of.

Soon, the 10 hellhounds were eliminated, but that still didn't give us a chance to breathe. There were still three Peak High Master Tiers left, which were much stronger than the hellhounds.

"Sisters, I guess we underestimated them, but it still isn't enough to defeat us". Arisu with a grin.

"True, sisters should we show them our true form". Scylla said with a grin.

"Good idea sister, let's do that". Iris said with a grin.

The three sisters began to warp and fly towards each other. They then intertwined and soon formed a canine body, which was mostly black with a silverfish gray underbelly. Three canine necks appeared, which then. Three canine heads appeared afterwards. The three tails intertwined together to create a thick straight tail with a spear head at the end.

The three identical sisters were no more. There was only one left, which had three heads representing the three sisters. There was not a being known as Cerberus, which was the hound of Hades.

We then checked Cerberus's stats:

[Cerberus] Low Champion Tier 3/3]

"No wonder they said we don't have a right to know who their master is, it was the God of Death". Fenriru Goro said with a shocked expression.

"If they are the hounds of Hades, then why are they with the monsters and demons unless they are siding with the Vampire Queen?" I asked with a serious expression.

"No Hades isn't that type of guy, the Vampire Queen must have made a deal with him". Fenriru Goro said with an annoyed expression.

"Makes sense, either way, it doesn't matter right now, since we have a powerful foe in front of us". I said while looking at it.

"Master is not going to be happy they found out, but it is expected since we are a famous hound of Hades". Arisu said with a sad expression.

"True". Both Iris and Scylla said at the same time with a sad expression.

"Let's complete the master's mission he gave us, so we can at least make the master give us less punishment". Arisu said with a hopeful expression.

"Good idea, sis". Both Iris and Scylla said with a happy expression.

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