Eerie Feeling

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Nothing much changed throughout the hours other than the fact that I was barely hanging on by absorbing her.

"I have almost completely absorbed you, so why don't you give up. It'll make you die quicker."

"Why would I give up when I have so many things to lose?"

"You don't want to give up because of Kasumi, do you? If so, I'll care for her as your wife once you're gone."


"That determination in your eyes to keep her safe makes me want to tease you more."

"Chu, chu. Shluuuurp." She continued kissing me, granting me pleasure in exchange for her absorbing me.

'Using energy absorption alone is only able to slow down her absorption rate, so I'll have to come up with something.'


More hours passed, and Lily was now seconds away from being fully absorbed.

"All it'll take is one to two more kisses and you'll fully be absorbed and integrated into me."

She decided not to waste anymore time and just get it done with, quickly doing the last two kisses, absorbing Lily completely with her figure flowing into her mouth, before beginning the integration process.

Minutes passed as she waited for Lily to be completely integrated into her, but there was a small eerie feeling that began to rise in her heart, but she ignored it as it would be impossible for Lily to come back or for anyone to kill her now.

"Why do I have such a bad feeling in my heart?"

She began to realize that the more minutes that passed, the more the feeling in her heart grew, without stopping even once, but she couldn't determine where this could've come from.

'Could it be from Lily? But she should be on the verge of death or maybe even dead by now, so how could she be able to give me this type of feeling in her current condition? I guess I'll check just in case since her talent with learning skills and magic is unfathomable.'

She scanned her body but didn't find anything that could cause this feeling in her heart, so she stopped scanning and looked around with some caution, but made sure to keep her caution from appearing on her face.

'The bad feeling is still growing. Why can't I find anything that is causing me this danger to my life?'

Lilith might be strong, but she knows that even though she is a primordial god, there could be someone or something out there that could kill her, so with every move she takes, she makes sure that she can complete it without much difficulty.

'Could it be Kasumi or Kimiko? No, they are too weak to give me this feeling. Then the only other person that is within this dimension space is Lily, but I already scanned myself and saw that she was on the verge of being completely integrated into me.'

(Kasumi's POV)

After she was absorbed into Lilith's body, I felt two things: despair and surprisingly hope. I had a feeling things were going to change, but that was only a small feeling compared to the despair and how useless I feel currently.

'Only if I was stronger, then I could break out of these restraints and save her, only if... only if... only if... only if... only if-f.' She continued to speak only if she fell deeper into despair, losing the bright light in her eyes.

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