Starry Night

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We got out of the bath and grabbed two more towels for the basket and started wiping our bodies with the towel.

Once they had finished wiping themselves, they wrapped their bodies in a dry towel and began walking to the changing room.

Soon they reached the changing room and saw that it was much more crowded with many women seeming to be finished bathing around the time we finished, but there were some women who were still going out to bathe.

We walked over to a large mirror that was in the changing room, and started carefully drying our hair with fire magic, which wasn't too difficult, which made the water in our hair begin to evaporate.

After a few minutes, my hair that was once wet, was now soft silky smooth strands of hair that brushed against her luscious skin, before going to the lockers to get her clothes.

Kasumi seemed to have finished getting dressed while wearing a white yukata, which was made out of a beautiful material.

"Here, wear this, the inn has yukata's for us to wear for when we're done with our baths". Kasumi said while handing me a white and red yukata.

"How do we put these on?" I asked with a smile, while trying to put on the yukata.

"You really don't know how to put on a yukata, then I'll fix it for you". Kasumi said while beginning to fix my yukata.

"I've never worn one of these before". I said with embarrassment.

While she was fixing my yakuta, she taught me the process of putting it on, so I wouldn't have to go through this process again.

"It's fine, but I think the next time you wear one, you should be able to put it on correctly". Kasumi said, while she finished fixing my yukata.

"I should be able to". We then left the changing room to find a large space with small shops and many guests, who were relaxing and calm after their bath.

While I was looking around, Kasumi went to get a drink, since she was thirsty, so I waited for her.

"Want one?" Kasumi asked while extending her
hand that had a blue and white bottle in it.

"No thanks, I am only going to taste bitterness if I drink that". I said with a wistful expression.

"True, maybe you'll get an evolution, which allows you to eat normal food". Kasumi said in realization of the fact that everything besides blood tastes bitter.

"I hope so". I said with an eager expression.

We then returned to our room to find the cat waitress with another woman behind her, with dinner being placed on the table.

"Dinner is almost ready, just give me a minute". The waitress said, while looking up at us with a gentle smile.

While the two waitresses were placing the dinner on the table, Kasumi and I sat down and looked at the beautiful ceramic plates.

Kasumi seemed to know what these dishes were, since she had an excited and yearning expression on and her kingdom mostly ate Japanese food, so it makes sense, but I naturally had no idea about any of the food displayed in front of me, which I wasn't going to eat, since it would all taste bitter and plain.

"Ring the bell there once you're done, then we'll come to take the dishes away, enjoy your meal". The waitress said before deeply bowing with the pressure there waitress and walked out of the room.

Once the waitresses left, and Kasumi began eating with her chopsticks, while I just showed a longing expression on my face.

"Do you want some blood, you look like you really want food?" Kasumi asked, I after swallowing the food that was in her mouth.

"No need, I just miss eating human food". I said while resting my head on my hand with a slightly despondent expression.

Kasumi decided to pick up her pace, so I wouldn't keep this despondent expression for too much longer.

Once she was finished, she rang the bell once, and two waitresses entered the room and walked over to the table to collect the empty dishes.

"There should be a meteor shower tonight, so if you'd like to see them, then open this sliding door to find a place to lounge and watch the stars. Please use the bell when you wake up tomorrow morning, we'll bring you breakfast then". The waitress said with a smile with the trays in her hands.

"Alright". Kasumi and I said with a smile.

The waitresses then bowed before leaving the room with the trays, while closing the door behind them.

"Do you want to watch the meteor shower?" I asked Kasumi with a quizzical expression.

"Sure". Kasumi said with a smile.

We walked over to the sliding door that the waitress mentioned before, and opened it. When we looked outside, it was already dark outside, but the porch was illuminated by orange paper lanterns. There were lounge chairs on the porch that were facing away from us.

We walked over to the lounge chairs, and sat on them and began looking up into the vast starry sky, which was beautiful.

Soon the meteor shower began, which was a beautiful sight to see in the night sky.

"We should make a wish". Kasumi asked, while looking at the sky.

"Why?" I asked with a quizzical expression.

"If you make a wish upon a shooting star it may become true and if you do it upon a meteor shower it increases the chances". Kasumi said with a smile.

"I see". I said with a smile.

Both Kasumi and I made a wish, which only took a few seconds, but I still didn't completely believe that it would come true just from wishing upon a star, but I trusted Kasumi, so I would still believe it.

(Vampire Castle)

The Vampire Queen or should I say goddess sat on a black thrown as she rested her head on her hand, while looking upon the human continent through a orb.


"I'm getting some hostile intent from the human continent. Let's see who is the one who wants to kill me so badly". The Lilith said with a smirk.

She started searching for the one who sent the hostile intent to her through tracking its source.

Soon she found a slender woman with long silver hair, large breasts, and a red and white yakuta watching the meteor shower from a porch.

"So my daughters is in the Sterus Kingdom and she wants to kill me to this extent. Well, it doesn't matter if she escaped or not, she'll still be unable to resist when the time comes". Lilith said with a slightly surprised expression.

"Let's pick up the pace with her leveling so I don't have to wait much longer". Lilith said while handing a box full of golden white energy to a vampire servant.

"Go to Clonshire City and kill some humans, but before they die infuse the energy within the box into them and return." Lilith said with sadistic grin.

"Yes, my goddess." The servant bowed and left the thrown room.

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now