Starlight (1)

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After a brief conversation, I prepared breakfast for Kasumi, which she appreciated, and we left the house shortly after to go to the Hunters Union to update my Hunter's ID.

We quickly found ourselves in the Hunters Union, which was bustling with people accepting quests or eating and drinking at the bar to our right.

There was a line a the reception desk, so we queued up in like me and waited.

We got a lot of glances of lust especially from the men, but the Hunters Union had rules preventing fighting or intimacy on the premise, so those who were eager to raise a ruckus would be punished based on the level of disturbance.


A woman rudely shoved her way past us, clearly jealous and contemptuous.

We didn't want to cause a scene, as Kasumi frowned.

"It appears that she is envious of our beauty, so she is flaunting her bust and strength." As I grinned a little, I pondered to myself.

"I suppose I'll utilize that because it's my only option." "I pondered.

My pure killing intent began to flow outwards, shingling out the busty woman, causing the temperature started to drop rapidly.

The woman was about to continue taunting us when she was abruptly assaulted by a violent aura. She was going to scream when the aura intensified, paralyzing her. Her muscles tensed in terror as she collapsed on the floor, sweat dripping down her face.

Her mouth agape with paralyzing terror as a small puddle of a liquid formed below her.

With the temperature around her falling below freezing, ice began to develop where she sat, so I decided to stop.

As I retracted my killing intent, the air around the woman began to warm up, and the ice that had formed around her began to thaw, allowing her to finally escape and shuffle away from me as quickly as possible.

"Ah!! AHH!! AHH!" Fear had taken over her instincts, and she couldn't form words. She shook with anxiety just staring at my icy, merciless eyes.

"AHH!!!!!" Scrambling to get back on her feet, she ran away from me with all her might.

Scoffing slightly, I switched my attention to the queue.

Many people who were looking at the woman felt it was odd to see her change from taunting us to trembling in fear and fleeing as if her life was in danger, but they disregarded it and moved on because it had nothing to do with them.

"That was a little excessive." With a sneer on her face, Kasumi said through telepathy.

"It was the only way to deal with her, and it was amusing to witness such a confident woman cower to the point of wetting herself." I replied with a smirk on my face.

"I can't say I didn't find it amusing." Kasumi said, smirking.

When we arrived at the reception desk, we were greeted by Solra, who had a smile.

"Seems like we've met again; what do you Ladies need, nya?" Solra inquired, a smile on his face.

"I'd like to update my Hunter's ID." As I handed it over, I said with a smile.

"OK, place your hand on the orb in front of you and infuse a bit of mana, nya." Solra said with a smile.

I did what she said and placed my hand on the orb; the orb lit up and began scanning my hand, which alarmed me until I realized it was only scanning my tier.

"Congratulations on reaching Low Silver Tier; your Hunter's ID has been updated; have a nice day, nya." As she said, she handed me a card which was no longer bronze like it was before, but silver.

[Name: Lily]
[Main Class: Versatile Princess]
[Sub Class: Weaver]
[Tier: Low Silver]

"Thanks." I said as Solra nodded in response.

"Hmm... before she didn't smell human, but now her scent is very pleasant, maybe a skill of hers." Solra thought to herself as Lily and Kasumi left the Hunters Union.

We noticed a few unfriendly glares directed at us as we left the Union. We could even notice a fearful glare amongst the many glares.

Kasumi took my hand in hers and began leading us in the direction of the north gate.

We passed through the gate after a few minutes of walking and began treading on a path that appeared to be moving towards the mountain range.

"When we're inside the dungeon, you'll be the main damage dealer, and I'll be the support l, because you need to level up more." Kasumi said with to me via telepathy.

"OK, but instead of watching like last time, make sure you actually support me." I uttered it with a smile on my face.

"Didn't you already forgive me for that? I apologized." As a flush emerged on Kasumi's face, she said through telepathy.

"I did, but it's cute when your face gets so red." As her flush grew, I said.

"Thank you, and certainly, I will support you." Kasumi exclaimed, a smile on her face.

"Good," I replied, a smile on my face.

We noticed many presences following us, but they didn't seem suspicious because they acted normally, but every now and then I see them glare at us, which we ignore.

We kept walking until we came upon a small town, which we assumed was built around the dungeon so they wouldn't have to travel back and forth between their home in Clonshire Ciry and the dungeon every time.

We continued down the main road and came upon a dungeon doorway with three colors: bluish white, gold, and black, with bluish white symbolizing lightning, gold symbolizing light, and black representing the dungeon door's natural color.

"Hunter's ID, please" As we approached the dungeon gate, a knight with a silver arm inquired.

Kasumi handed over her Hunter's ID, but it wasn't silver or gold, but purple and black, which made me wonder what tier she was, so I took a quick peek and discovered she was [Low Diamond Tier], which astonishing at first, but then I remembered how easily Aalka defeated, while possessing my body.

"You may now enter," the knight stated after checking the Hunter's ID as he returned it to Kasumi.

As we approached the dungeon gate, it began to open automatically.

After it had fully opened, a holographic screen appeared in front of us, with the words.

[Dungeon of Starlight]

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now