Starlight (10)

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I kept slaughtering monsters and collecting their mana stones before proceeding on to the next until there were no monsters to be found anywhere.

"With the exception of the werewolf queen, it appears like the dungeon has been cleared of all monsters." I thought as I stepped forward and disappeared, just to resurface in the distance.


Meanwhile, in another part of the dungeon, a man walked around with five other hunters, hunting for monsters to kill, but their faces were either bored or annoyed.

"How come we haven't found any monsters after an hour of searching?" A woman in a mage's robe with long brown hair and blue eyes expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Are they hiding from us because they're afraid of our strength?" A hulking man said, his face filled with boredom as he tried to cheer himself up.

"Well, there's bound to be some monster here; the dungeon can't be cleared out this quickly." With a smile, a man with a semi-muscular frame attempted to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, it would be too fast, and if someone can, why wouldn't they move on to another city?"" With a smile, the mage woman said.

"That is true, but there is still a possibility." With a smile, the semi-muscular man stated.

The group of six continued traveling through the forest till they heard something jumping through the branches of the trees and sought to kill it right away.

"It appears that the monsters haven't been entirely killed; Sophia, unleash your spells." As he drew out his blade, the semi-muscular man said.

The other 5 also drew their weapons, as Sophia casted magic and fired a fireball at the person leaping the branches, which sometimes vanished.

When the fireball impacted with the figure leaping through the trees, it dissipated instantly, and a silver-haired beauty emerged in front of us, irritated.

[(Lily) Mid Silver Tier - Versatile Princess]

"I'm sorry, but we mistook you for a monster." With a sorry expression on his face, the slightly strong man murmured.

"It's fine since people normally travel on the ground and not through the trees." With a smile, the silver-haired woman said.

"Do you know where the monsters went? We've been looking for an hour and haven't found any." Sophia smiled as she asked the silver-haired woman in front of us.

"With the exception of the ruler, every other monster is dead." With a serious expression on her face, the silver-haired woman said.

"The dungeon has only formed a few days ago, how can someone clear it so quickly, wait how would you know every monster is dead?" The muscular man said with a inquiring expression.

"There just dead, but I need to go now, so bye."  As she stepped forward and disappeared, the silver-haired woman said.

"Waiiit." The muscular man said, but it was too late.

"It seems she know something, but isn't telling us, but since she is gone, we can't do anything." The muscular man said in frustration.


Lily then left those six hunters to meet up with Kasumi so they could kill the queen werewolf together.


I finally reached the meeting point as I saw Kasumi waiting for me with a smile.

"Why did you take so long?" Kasumi asked as I walked towards her.

"After some humans fired a fireball at me, I conversed with them for a while." I stated it with a smile on my face.

"I see, let's go find the queen," says the group. Kasumi smiled as she spoke.

"I'm already here, so there's no need to look for me." As she appeared, a woman's voice could be heard from a few meters away.

"Then this will be a lot easier." As she stared at the queen, Kasumi remarked.

[(Estella) Mid Platinum Tier - Werewolf Queen]

She was standing at roughly 243.84cm (8ft) tall in human form. She had a slender figure, large breasts, long white hair, and golden eyes with a vertical slit pupil. She wore a black bra and leggings.

"I will exact revenge on those you slaughtered." Estella expressed her wrath and resolve through her words.

Kasumi summoned her own katanas as she activated [Fox-Fire Magic] and [Nature Magic], while I summoned my chaos daggers.

Estella dashed at us, transforming into a wolf so she could use all of her strength.

I stepped forward and disappeared before reappearing next to her as I aimed a dagger towards her eye and ear.


She deflected both my attacks as Kasumi appeared to the side of Estella and slashed her two katanas, with each going for a weak point.



She deflected both of my attacks, as Kasumi arrived on Estella's side and slashed her two katanas, each trying for a vulnerable point.

"So fast." Estella thought.

I appeared to the side of her and slashed at her legs, inflicting gashes, Since she was unable to dodge.



She attempted a counterattack, but Kasumi was already there, and slashed her neck with her katana, which she dodged, rendering her unable to attack me.

"How do they have such good coordination for their first time fighting together?" Estella was pondering something when she noticed the first signs of them fighting together.

I took another step forward while initiating [Flaw Detection], then reappeared above Estella, and stabbed both eyes with my daggers as I infused [bleeding curse] and [Binding].



As the chaos daggers remained in her eyes, I activated [Mana Siphon], which began draining her mana, as well as [Soul Devour], which attempted to rip her soul out from her body, forcing her to combat both of them.

Estella tried to attack me to prevent it, so Kasumi slashed her legs, leaving them useless and rendering her unable to attack me any longer.



"If only I hadn't been so unlucky to come across such formidable adversaries." Estella reflected as her power dwindled and she found herself unable to resist, her movement restricted by the [Binding Curse] and her legs rendered useless.

"I'm not sure what skill she utilized, but she's draining my mana, and I'm also feeling my soul being tugged on, which I'm resisting right now, but if I lose all of my strength, my soul will be ripped out without any resistance." Estella pondered as she tried to come up with ways to get out of this, but every concept that came to mind was impossible.


Estella's strength was lost a few hours later as her mana was exhausted, causing her soul to be ripped from her body and devoured by Lily, which was then converted into Lily's mana.

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