Solo Quest

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I looked around for Kasumi after leaving the meditation room but couldn't find her, so I assumed she was still shopping.

"I need to update my Hunter's ID, so I'll head to the Hunters Union and probably go monster hunting after that." I thought as put some high heels heels.

I left the mansion shortly after, leaving a note explaining my whereabouts since I knew Kasumi would be concerned if I left without warning.

I arrived at the Hunters Union promptly, so I went inside and waited in the shortest line.

It was my turn a few minutes later, so I strolled up to the reception desk.

"What can I do for you?" The receptionist asked with a smile on her face.

She wore the receptionist uniform and had a beautiful figure, brown hair with green eyes, medium sized breasts, and a nice figure.

"I would like to update my Hunters ID." I said as I pulled it out of my storage space.

"All right, put your palm on the orb and infuse your mana." The woman said as she took my Hunters ID.

I did as she instructed, and the wording on my Hunters ID gradually changed, revising certain parts while leaving others unchanged.

"Congratulations on reaching Mid Platinum Tier; your Hunter ID has been updated; do you need anything else?" The receptionist said as she handed my Hunters back to me.

[Name: Lily]
[Main Class: Versatile Princess]
[Sub Class: Weaver]
[Tier: Mid Platinum]

"I would like to take a quest." I said with a smile on my face.

"Alright, here are the quests that are accessible for your current tier." The receptionist said as she displayed two quests in front of me.

[Kill the Megalodons (High Platinum Tier)] - Megalodons have been found infesting a rocky cove a few kilometers from Strikver Port. Kill the Megalodons before they wreak havoc on the port.

[Kill Mutated Sea Sharks (High Platinum Tier)] - A fisherman is having difficulty catching fish since all of the fish in the vicinity are being eaten by mutated sea sharks.

Rewards: 450 Gold

"The second one sounds boring; let's take the first one." I thought immediately after reading both of them.

"I'll take the first one." I said with a smile on my face.

"Alright." I just disregarded the rudeness and jealousy I heard in her voice since no matter what I do I'll alway see woman jealous of me.

She quickly registered me for the quest.

"Your now registered and here is the area where the commissioner spotted them." The receptionist said as she handed me a magic device with the coordinations of the cove.

"Thanks." I said as I turned back and walked out of the Hunters Union.

"It appears that she is envious of my beauty, but it doesn't concern me as long as she doesn't try anything." I thought this as I walked to the place in the photo, which was a rocky cove.

I quickly reached the summit of a cliff that was pointed in the direction of the cove.

"I assume I have to cross the water, so I guess I'll be using void step." I thought as I grin appeared on my face.

I took a step forward and teleported a few hundred meters away, with inertia propelling me forward at speeds quicker than the eyes could see as I slowly descended till my foot touched the ocean, then teleported another few hundred meters away.

I continued this process, slaughtering any monster I came across until I reached the megalodons' spotted location, when I came to a halt as I constructed a little air platform above the water's surface.

"It appears they've moved since the quest was issued, but that doesn't change much since all I need to do now is track them down." I thought as I activated [Past Vision].

My right eye went a whitish red as I witnessed time reverse with the waves of the water receding away from me as my form vanished from my sight.

As I proceeded to reverse time in my vision, I soon noticed a large group of large megalodon shadows swimming beneath the area where I was standing.

"I assume I'll have to dive into the sea, but I won't die because I don't need to breathe to live." I sighed and produced a thin layer of chaotic mana around myself to aid my movement through the water.

I dispelled the air platform below my feet As I plummeted into water and began to descend, so I propelled myself through the water using mana, following the megalodons' previous vision.


After an hour or two of following them, a few thousand large megalodons came into my sensing range, so I deactivated [Past Vision], leaving my eye in double the amount of pain it had been the last time I used the skill, as well as becoming blind.

"Past Vision must be a Demi God Tier Skill or higher, as it has repercussions that are akin to Change Inducement but aren't as severe." I thought as I looked at the megalodons with my left eye.

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