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"What if she doesn't wake up?" Robin asked, pacing up and down the small space as they tried to figure out what to do with the girl still sleeping in front of them.

"She'll wake up," Lucas promises, watching Robin pace up and down from where he sat. He was nervous, if she did wake up, he didn't know whether or not he would have his friend back, he didn't know how she would react.

"It would be for the best if it was around now," Steve said, throwing a ball up and down in the air, "while Max isn't here."

"I don't get why she was so aggressive to Max," Lucas says, shaking his head, "Tee loved Max. It doesn't make sense."

"It's probably the mind games or something similar," Robin said to him, "with altering memories and such."

"We should be fine, right? Tee has no reason to hate us," Steve said to them, "I mean, I've talked to her a total of maybe ten times, and none of the situations have ever been negative - and Robin, remember at Scoops, she came in and we had help from her."

"Yeah, she liked us I'm pretty sure," Robin nodded her head, before looking over at Lucas, "is there anything that's ever made her hate you, Lucas? Anything that would upset her that we need to know about?"

"I don't think so," Lucas says, shaking his head, "I never really hated Tee, she was always there to help."

"You sure?" Steve asks, "absolutely positive?"

"For sure, only person I was ever mean to was El and that was when she led us to wills fake body," Lucas told them, "never Tee."

"Okay," Steve mumbled, as Robin sighed, beginnings to pace up and down again.

The three stayed in silence for a while, waiting on the return of the others.

When they heard a little cough.

They all instantly snapped their heads over to Tee, who had begun to move around a little in her sleep, a frown on her face.

"Is she waking up?" Robin whispered to the two. They all shared a look, before Steve got up, cautiously walking towards the sleeping girl. He looked at her face to see discomfort written all over it - she was sweating and she was pale.

Steve lifted his hand slowly, placing the back of his hand gently on Tee'd forehead.

"She's burning up," Steve said, turning his head to look at them all, his hand still on her forehead, "what does that mean? If she's got a temperature?"

Both Robin and Lucas shrugged.

Steve sighed, looking back at Tee as he lifted his hand, gently putting two fingers to her neck to make sure her pulse was all fine,

His eyes widened at how quickly her heart was beating, moving closer, as he put his hand on her forehead again, growing more and more worried.

"I think something's wrong," Steve said to them, when all of a sudden, a hand grabbed onto his wrist and pulled.

The action made him shout out of shock as he was pulled over the girl down the back of the couch, the girl who had just been sleeping jumping up, her breathing quick.

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