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Tee held on tightly to Mike and El's hands as they hid behind the concession stand with Max. Tee was absolutely terrified, knowing that thing was after her and her sister, and could kill her friends in a heartbeat. She couldn't hear anything over the pounding of her heart in her ears, her eyes trying to keep focus as she used Mike and El to ground herself..

They listened as they heard shouting coming from a radio, sounding like Dustin, calling to confirm their safety. If they had been only five minutes earlier, they would have been, but now...

This was far from safe.

Mike wrapped his arm around Tee to keep her calm, the girl laying her head on Mike's chest as she closed her eyes tight, hearing the stomps of the monster get closer and closer every second.

She opened her eyes when she heard it roar, the little piece that had once been inside of elevens leg joining back onto its body.

"Oh, my god," Tee mouthed to herself as she felt her whole body shake in fear. She heard another roar from behind her and tensed up in Mike's arms, knowing it was merely metres away and hungry for blood, before it stomped away.

None of the four people moved, not for a couple seconds anyway, until they knew it was far away enough that they could check to see what it was doing.

Mike carefully moved Tee next to her sister; the girl too in shock to protest, and stood up slowly, peering over the stand they were hidden behind, and observed the monster, before ducking back down again.

"It's turned away," Mike whispered to them, "if we go up the stairs now, we'll make it."

"Are you crazy?" Max whispered to him with wide eyes, there was no way they could do that.

"No way," Tee disagrees too, "not w-with El's leg."

"We have to try," Mike whispers to them.

"There's another way to get out," El speaks up in a whisper, making all three teens look at her, "through the gap."

Mike looked over at the mindflayer once more, it still not looking, before ducking down and panting softly, "Okay," he grabs Tee's hand, Max wrapping her arm around Eleven again, "now."

The four teens quickly ran over to the gap, getting through the broken doorway when suddenly El kicked into a metal stand, making it fall and create a large noise.

"Shit," Tee whispered, pulling the three to the corner behind a display area. The four leaned against the wall as the mindflayer broke into the gap, screeching as it did so.

Tee had never been more terrified.

It was like a game of cat and mouse and they'd just fallen straight into the trap.

They listened as the creature screeched and a manakin doll was thrown next to them, the doll adorning the same clothes as eleven. The four looked at it open mouthed, scared to make a noise of shock as their breaths hitched.

"Move," Tee whispered to them, barely making a noise as she moved around the display and over to the cashpoint, staying in blind spots as they followed, the four hiding once again as the mind flayer snapped a tentacle where the four had just been.

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