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Chapter 1: Escape

Chapter 1: Escape

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"Come on, you can do it," Papa tells the frail and tired girl as she stares at the bulb in front of her. She's been working all day and couldn't work anymore, "just this last one, then you can go."

She stares at the bulb and holds her breath, hoping and praying that something will happen like Brenner wanted, but it doesn't. Papa stares at her as she tries and tries, becoming agitated at herself and the man in front of her.

She screams in annoyance and lets the bulb light up as much as possible before smashing, letting all the little pieces of glass fall to the floor as she stared at it. Papa glared and clicked his fingers, indicating two lab coats to take her away.

"No! No!" She screams as they take her arms and start to pull her, "P-Papa! N-N-No! Papa!" She screams as her voice cracks - the pain evident in it. She screams one last time as suddenly the two lab coats freeze. Alarms start to go off in the lab.

"Brenner, we've got a 2319 on our hands," someone says into the radio Brenner had on him. Brenner curses quietly to himself before beginning to leave.

"Escort her to her room," He tells the two men who grab the young girls pale paper-like arms once again. Brenner left and as soon as he did, the two lab coats began to lead her out. She pushed herself out of their grip by sending a static shock through their bodies and began to run away. The two running after her.

She made a hand gesture at the electrical doors that the two lab coats were passing and the doors slammed, crushing the two before opening again. The two lab coats fell to the floor, dead.

The young girl gasped in shock, stopping completely as tears gathered in her eyes, she'd killed them. Their lives were now no more because of her, they'd never breathe again, talk again, or hurt her again.

She shook her head, she had to get out. She took a deep breath before running for it.

She ran down multiple dimly lit corridors, turning off the lights with her mind as she went, to not re-trace steps when suddenly a young girl the same age, size and height as her ran into her.

The girl had a shaved head and her eyes were filled with wonder and terror as she looked at the other girl. 012 recognised her, they'd been paired up in recent tasks - it gave 012 a little comfort to know who she was, and that they were in this together.

012 looked behind her to see two lab coats running towards them.

"C-come on!" She shouted to the girl who had ran into her. The two beginning to run together - they knew they were similar, they looked familiar - they probably met when they were younger in the rainbow room.

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