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Tee hadn't moved since entering the upside down, staying close to the lake and the gate. A small part of her hoped someone was coming to get her - another part just didn't want to get lost.

It was cold, and forever dark, and she hadn't slept a wink since everything had happened. She was tired and hungry and on the verge of tears from frustration.

She didn't want to be there anymore.

Her eyes were closed as she sat leaned against a tree, she was supposed to be watching the gate that had since been abandoned by the bats, but tiredness was beginning to win.

When all of a sudden, she heard a scuttling noise, making her eyes open. She looked out to see vines reaching into the hole, suddenly coming to life.

Thunder jumped as she carefully stood up, eyes widening when she saw Steve get pulled through, screaming as he was pulled along the floor, trying to grab anything he could to stop himself.

She moved forward, holding onto the tree in front of her as her heartbeat picked up - was this a rescue mission? Or had Steve done this on accident?

The vine seemed to leave him alone as she started to walk towards him, seeing he was seemingly okay. He hasn't seen her, still hidden in the darkness of the tree line.

A bat was then heard, and she looked up to the sky, pausing her movements. Nothing in this world was friendly, and her heart suddenly jumped at the idea they were reading to kill a new unwelcome visitor.

She started to run then, managing to finally get into the open as the bats set their eyes on Steve.

"Steve, run!" Tee yelled as loud as she possibly could, the voice made him jump, turning to look at the girl as his heart quickened. Tee hadn't been friendly to him, and the fact she was warning him of the bats was enough to make him run for a weapon.

She watched him, still running as he grabbed the oar of the boat and whacked one of the bats onto the floor, carefully ducking under the next, when the third wrapped its tail around his neck, knocking him to his feet.

"No!" She yelled, still running as fast as she possibly could - she had no idea how big this lake really was, her need to dodge the vines on the floor not helping.

The bats all then started to land on him, ripping into his flesh as lightning shot out of the sky, tee's emotions out of wack as she tried her hardest to get some sense of control.

She short her hand forward, a small shock enough to knock a bat on his stomach away. She grabbed its tail, electrocuting it with her hands as it fell to the floor twitching.

That's when she saw three figures sunning towards them - Nancy, Robin, and Eddie.

They had come to save her after all.

Nancy was quick to grab the oar off the floor and whack another bat off of Steve's stomach.

Tee quickly moved to the bat on Steve's neck, stomping on its body as hard as she could as Nancy continuously whacked it with the oar.

"Tee, do the electro thingy on it!" Robin suggested as she helped stomp on it, only for Tee to shake her head.

"It's too dangerous!" She told her- knowing the bat was attached to Steve and therefore electrocuting it could also electrocute Steve.

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