chapter 9

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(so this chapter skips Sunday, nothing important happened the last chapter was Saturday)

It was now Monday morning and the house was chaos.  Dante and Matteo over slept like they did every Monday so they were rushing to get ready, Mason and Damon had left for meetings but Mason had forgotten to get his files so they had to come back and to say Damon was pissed was an understatement and to make matters more stressful, Mason had no idea where he put the file.This led to alot of curses from Damon as they looked for the files.

Emilia was shakely getting ready whilst Lexi was covering her face in makeup.

Throughout this, Alessandro was sat calmly in the kitchen drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.
It was a normal Monday apart from the missing file but he was used to Matteo and Dante running about and Damon cursing them.

Finally all his children came into the kitchen.

Emilia was first, not wanting to be late.
"Good morning Emilia, what would you like for breakfast" Alessandro smiled as he put his newspaper away.

This shocked Emilia. She didn't expect breakfast, she wasn't allowed it with them.
"I can make you some pancakes if you want" Alessandro offered.

He wanted to make her something too? That confused her. Why would he want too.

She took out her phone and quickly typed, not wanting to be rude.

Good morning, you don't have to if you don't want

Alessandro smiled as he read it. He could finally talk with her and it made him happy. Soon he would have her actually talking but for now this was fine.

"I'm making you pancakes, you will love them don't worry" Alessandro declared.

As he was cooking Matteo and Dante entered "ooo are you cooking dad" Matteo said.
"Yes I'm making pancakes for my Princess"
Emilia couldn't help but smile.

"Is there enough for us" Dante asked hopeful there was.

"You boys are old enough to make your own breakfast"  Alessandro said.

Emilia felt slightly bad but the boys just grumbled and started making their own breakfast which reassured her alot since she didn't want to take away their chance to eat.

Damon had been watching from the doorway. He smiled when he caught the smile on Emilias face.

"Do you think she will be okay today" Mason whispered coming up behind him.
Damon nodded, he wasn't happy with Mason at the moment but since it concerned Emilia he decided to anwser "im sure she will be just fine. It's impossible to dislike her"
Mason chuckled at this "you're right, even the Mafia boss has a soft spot for her"
This caused Damon to glare at his brother before entering the kitchen with his brother following him.

"Did you find the file"  Alessandro asked not paying much attention to the boys, he was more concerned about making the pancakes perfect for his daughter.

"Yes." Damon replied coldly.

"Someone's in trouble" Dante snickered directing it towards Mason.

Emilia tensed, she didn't want Mason to be in trouble although he looked like he could handle himself.
"Tell me about it. The amount of cursing he did and don't get me started on the lecture" Mason said.
Damon glared at mason shutting him up.

"Anyway Tesoro have a good day today okay" Damon said in a gentle voice, it suprised them all how he could be so pissed but speak to Emilia in such a gentle voice.
Emilia nodded, she didn't know how to anwser that.

"Where is the other one" Dante asked, he wasn't fond of the twins especially Lexi. 

"Oh right, I should probably make another set of pancakes for her" Alessandro said as he placed some pancakes in front of Emilia.

Emilia was suprised, Alessandro had forgotten about Lexi and maybe if she was honest with herself she like it that way.
She liked being considered important.

"Well we can't wait around for her, we have to go. Goodbye tesoro" Damon said and left, mason followed close behind.

As soon as they left the room, Damon's attitude changed.

"Are we taking the twins to school" Matteo asked as they all ate breakfast.

"No. The principal wants to meet them so I will be taking them" Alessandro said.

Just at that moment, Lexi walked in.

Dante almost choked on the toast he was eating. She looked a mess.

Matteo was struggling not to laugh which caused Dante to choke and start coughing. Matteo lost to his struggles and started laughing.

"Boys enough. Lexi go sort yourself out, you are not dressed appropriately" Allesandro said simply.

"Yeah we are going to school not a whore house" Dante said with hatred, he really didn't like Lexi.

Allesandro was about to snap at Dante but he saw Emilia was trying not to laugh at his comment.
"Dante watch your language" Allesandro simply said knowing he had to say something.

"I dressed like this all the time back home though" Lexi countered.

"I wonder how many STDs she has" Dante whispered so only Matteo and Emilia heard.

Emilia started coughing at this point as she had been eating when he said that.

Alessandro rushed over "are you okay bambina where does it hurt" he then turned to his sons and snapped "don't just sit there, get her some water"
Matteo rushed and got her some water.

Lexi didn't like all the attention her sister was getting, everyone had their backs to her as they helped Emilia.

Lexi glared at her sister 'youre dead stupid bitch' she mouthed.

"It's not appropriate for a private school" Alessandro commented not taking his eyes of Emilia. He went to pat her back but she moved away so he opted for just holding the water for her.

What Alesandro said was true though. Lexis skirt was too short, she was covered in fake tan and makeup which she had done way to much of. She looked like she was going on a night out rather than to school.

Alessandro didn't have a problem with what his kids worse usually but when it came to school he expected them all to follow the uniform rules, he didn't care if his girls wore makeup to school but he did care when it was smothered so thick that she looked like that. He wasn't even sure she could see properly with how big her fake eyelashes were.

Alessandro was too preoccupied with fussing over Emilia even after she had recovered to say anything more about how Lexi was dressed which annoyed her.

Time skip

Emilia watched as her brothers got out of the car in front. Every stared at them and whispered. They looked to be popular here which scared Emilia but made Lexi smile as it meant she would be popular.

Lexi frowned when she saw all the girls looking more like Emilia, the ones who wore makeup kept it minimum and had there skirts at the actual length. She quickly adjusted hers so it was at a normal length instead of too high up.

Everyone whispered and stated when they saw Alesandro Russo stepping out of the car and going into the school with two girls following behind.

Lexi loved the attention and winked at several guys
Whereas Emilia kept her head down not daring to look anyone in the eye.

the unwanted twinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें