chapter 13

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That evening dinner was tense. No one spoke in fear of angering Damon.

Dante couldn't even bring himself to look away from the food and Emilia was the first to notice this. She couldn't help wonder what had happened.

Alessandro had finally had enough of the tention. He knew what had happened and he was pissed at Dante but he understood where he was coming from.

"So girls, first day of school. How was it? Did you make friends? What are your classes like"  Alesandro asked.

Lexi was the first to talk, she hadn't been effected by Damon's anger so she happily told Alessandro about Bianca and her friends, then she talked about classes.

"No sarcastic insult to that" Mason whispered to Dante as Lexi spoke. It was unlike Dante to not have an insult ready for Lexi.
Dante shook his head.

"It sounds like you had a great day Alexia" Alessandro said once his daughter had finished.
Lexi didn't say anything about how Alessandro insisted on calling her by her full name.
"What about you Emilia, did you have a good day" Alessandro tried.

Emilia nodded, she didn't feel like explaining and Alessandro quickly understood that. "That's great bambina" he enthused.

Lexi was a little pissed at how Emilia got a nickname and she got her actual name. Hopefully it meant bitch or something.

"May I be excused father" Dante suddenly asked.

It shocked everyone at the table. Dante had asked instead of just walking away and he was polite about it. Something that wasn't really seen.

"Of course" Alessandro anwsered a little concerned for his son.

Dante grabbed his plate and dissapeared after that.

"Are we all just going to ignore how quiet and polite Dante is tonight" Mason asked. He knew they had been a fight but that was it. Dante got into lots of fights so he didn't see the big deal.

"It's about time he started acting more respectful" Damon muttered.

"I'll talk to him later" Alesandro said wanting to give him a little space since that was the reason he left.

Dinner passed quickly after that and everyone went there seperate ways. 

Mason had to catch up on work.

Matteo, Lexi and Emilia had their homework to finish.

And Alesandro he pulled Damon into his office "what the fuck did you say him" Alesandro yelled at Damon.

Emilia was struggling to concentrate, she could hear the muffled yells of Alessandro from upstairs.

She heard Dante's name a few times and it got her wondering if Dante was okay. She hoped he was.

She suddenly had the urge to check on him. Worst case he yells at her or hits her. But she had to know he was okay.

She went to his room and slowly knocked. Her hands trembled as she did so.

"Go away" Dante called.

Usually Emilia would have left straight away but there was something about Dante's voice that made Emilia open the door.

"What the fuck do you want" Dante snapped when he saw Emilia.

Emilia reached for her phone but realized she had forgotten it.

"Ugh here" Dante said handing her a notebook and pen.

Emilia quickly wrote down.

Are you okay

"Why do you care. It's all your fault" Dante snapped.

For some reason unknown to Emilia she felt more confident about communicating than usual, maybe it was because of the hug Damon had given her.  She was starting to feel more comfortable.

I didn't do anything

She would have never dared tell Henry or her mother that.

"Yes you did, you let Luca kiss you and I had to step in. I'm the one taking it because of your stupid actions"

You almost killed him!!

She was starting to get more confident. Part of her knew her confidence was coming from the fact she felt guilty that Luca had been hurt so badly.

"Just get out of my room" Dante snarled.

What happened

She didn't understand why she was being so defiant right now. Any other time and she would have run away. Maybe it was the fear of what had made Dante like this that made her ask.

Dante paused realising he fucked up. He wasn't going to tell her, he would protect her from the truth.

"Nothing now get out before I throw you out" he warned.

Emilia didn't dare go against him so she headed out, only when she got outside Damon and Alesandro were there.

"He's not bothering you is he" Damon asked.

Emilia shook her head, she looked back at Dante who watched them, the door was still open so they could see him.

"What were you talking about then"

Emilia took one look at Dante, she had already lied to Damon earlier, one more lie couldn't hurt, right?

She quickly wrote down

a maths question

"And you went to Dante for that" Damon asked not believing her.

You were shouting

"Shit. We didn't mean to shout so loud bambina" Alesandro said feeling guilty as he had been the one doing most of the shouting.

It's okay

Emilia was feeling bad about how she lied. She couldn't help but think of all the stuff they could do to her.
Damon especially since she had lied earlier. He wouldn't be happy at all.

Dante realized how nervous Emilia was and heard how she lied. He was greatful really because Damon would only get more annoyed if he found out how he had spoken to her. He knew he would have to thank her later. She could have easily thrown him under the bus but she didn't.

"How about we go downstairs and you can tell me about your day, I've heard about Lexi's but I really want to know more about yours" Alesandro said changing the topic.

Emilia knew it wasn't a suggestion, he wanted to talk. She nodded and Alesandro smiled "great" he then turned to Damon and with a sharp look, although nothing was said, Emilia knew that look, it was a warning look, Alesandro was pissed at Damon for something.

"Come on bambina" Alesandro smiled and spoke gently  like he hadn't been giving Damon a death glare.

So hopefully Dante and Emilia are going to start to form a relationship after this, any guesses why Damon is in trouble, what has he done or said?

Also I just want to point out this book has established no one wants to be on the bad side of Damon but being on the bad side of Alesandro  can be worse at times.

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