chapter 76

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Damon was a man of few words however everyone knew from Brittneys expression, whatever he had just said had scared her.

"We will be talking about this tonight Emilia" he said, his words lacked emotion.
He then looked to his two brothers across the cafeteria and motioned them to come over.

"He looks mad, do we have to go" Matteo mumbled.

"I'd rather stay here" Dante replied and proceeded to whisper something to the girl that was sat on his lap. She giggled in response and Matteo cringed "second thoughts I think I'd prefer to be around Damon" he said and stood up.

Dante laughed and followed his brother.

Damon was annoyed, he never said anything, he walked out and his younger brothers automatically followed. Zach said a quick goodbye and left too.

Only when he left did it seem everyone stopped holding their breath in anticipation, everyone continued with what they were previously doing.

"Your brother is scary" Lucy commented.
Everyone agreed with her statement. No one had met him before until now and even now they hadn't exactly met him but none of them wanted too.
"He makes Matteo and Dante seem kind and  look approachable" Sophia added.
Emilia rolled her eyes, she couldn't disagree, she felt the same when she first met him and he certainly had his scary moment.

He's not that bad

"Emilia is probably right, Brittney did just say some awful things, of course he's going to be annoyed" Antonio replied.


Damon took his brothers into a empty classroom. Zach had quickly left to find his father, he didn't want to be anywhere near Damon.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me she was being bullied" he asked on a deadly calm tone.
"We didn't exactly know" Matteo said.
"No I suppose you wouldn't know since you're both too busy with the cheerleaders to even pay attention to your sister "
"Hey! She's called Sadie.... or was it Emily"  Dante said.
"I'm pretty sure that was maddy" Matteo said
"Enough!" Damon said in a raised voice.

"Look we didn't know until the other day when Emiliahit her, and she got suspended for it. I went over, I did something, no one would tell me what went on or what was said. Then you got involved so I figured you were handling it" Dante explained getting serious.

"And this hasn't happened before" Damon asked becoming calmer.

"No but she was friends with Lexi, maybe with Lexi gone she's taken up bullying Emilia " Dante said.

"I fucking asked her if she was being buillied. She lied to my face" Damon muttered.

"Can you blame her" Dante said.

"Of course not but what I want to know is why she took the blame"

"She took the blame?" Matteo questioned

"Yes she said the inncident a few days ago was all her fault that she purposely spilled her food over her, Brittney got annoyed and Emilia punched her. Emilia isn't the type to go around randomly hitting someone, it was obvious she wasn't telling me the truth so I cut ties with her parents, they can no longer afford to send Brittney here"  Damon explained.

"Well she's hiding something, Antonio the kid she was sat with, he was there, he didn't say anything after Emilia shook her head"

"Maybe we should question him" Matteo suggested.

"No. This remains between family. I will talk to Emilia tonight. I'm going to go have a word with the principal, I suggest you both get back to lunch" and with that Damon left.

"He's pissed isn't he " Matteo asked.
"Yep. Only reason he was this call was because it's school. He doesn't want to attract attention "
"So when we get home tonight...."

Dante shuddered "luckily he has a soft spot for Emilia, she will be fine, they will talk and he will get the anwsers he needs"

"Yeah I suppose " Matteo replied all he could think about was the bruise on her wrist.

"Come on lunch will be over soon" Dante said.

Damon wasn't a man to be messed with. He was protective over all of his family, especially Emilia, she was the youngest and his sister.
He hadn't just broken ties with Brittneys parent's, he had looked into them first, he loved his sister but he wouldn't break a business deal for her. He seperated his personal life with his work life. But her parents weren't making him money so he cut them off. Of course he wasn't completely heartless, they still had enough money to live and such.

After leaving the classroom he went to find the principal, he was pissed and the few students who were now wandering the hallways practically cowered at his presence.
He knew why she didn't tell him, he hadn't exactly been there for her and he had messed up so much lately, but he was still annoyed that he let it get to this. He understood why but it angered him.

The principal was currently introducing Adrian to teachers when Damon found him.
"Did you find everything to your  satisfaction" the principal asked.
"No I walked in on a student bullying my sister so much that she had no choice but  to use self defence"
Adrian's relaxed expression changed in an instant "is she okay'' he asked refering  to Emilia.
"She is, but I'm not happy. Get your school in order, from what I saw I am thoroughly dissapointed. In fact I will be speaking to my father and will be advising him to stop making those large donations if this behaviour continues"  Damon warned. He then left, not wanting  to stay at the school any longer.

After school finished, Damon made sure he was home for when his siblings got he. He was still pissed but he was calmer.

Emilia reluctantly walked through the front door. His words replaying in his mind over and over
We will be talking about this tonight Emilia.

She gulped when she saw him walking towards her.  "Emilia we should talk" he said with no emotion.
Dante automatically grabbed her hand, wanting to protect her.

"Now Emilia" he ordered.

Dante tightened his grip on instinct to protect her "she's got alot of homework maybe you can talk later" he suggested.

"No Dante, now let go of her"

Dante didn't let go "later"

"I need to talk to her Dante" Damon said

"Your talks never end well"Dante switched language so Emilia wouldn't know.

"Ok fine. Emilia we need to talk about what happened today so would you just come with me" he was cold yet their was no malicious intentions. So she nodded and followed him.

Ok so Damon understands why she didn't tell him and he sorta accepts that he just wants to know why overall. He is angry but not at Emilia's actions.

Also I keep writing Damon as demon🙄

Finally I'm thinking I'm going to have the last storyline soon so I can end the book and start on the sequel because it's almost chapter 80 and I don't want to start any big ideas.

And again I don't think anyone has spotted some clues about the sequel. Chapter 74 was a big clue like I mentioned but in the last chapter there was a small sentance maybe 2 that hinted what was to come.

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