Ring Ring Ring

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Requested by- Cesar_Torres_

Mark sat in his room for what felt like days. He lost track of time, so it might as well have been days. His gun next to his messy bed and no food or water. The only thing keeping Mark company were his thought and death at his door.

He tried to call everyone he knew. Everyone. No one answered his calls for help, and no one called back yet. Mark is writing his prayers down in a notebook to keep himself safe, but even that is a struggle....

Until he heard a familiar ring.

Mark gasps and lunged towards his phone and fiddled with the phone until he finally accepted the call. "OH MY GOD YOU FINALLY CALLED!" Mark yelled in relief. He didn't even know who he was talking to, he didn't care at this point. "Mark! It's Cesar! I know what happened! I'm coming!!" Cesar yelled through the phone. Mark had a confused look on his face. "What do you mean?! Is this another trick?!" Mark asked angrily. "NO! This might not make sense, but that "me" is NOT me!" Cesar said frantically.

Mark was too tired to understand "Then what the hell has been tormenting me for who knows how long?!" Mark demanded and answer. Cesar didn't respond for a few seconds. "I think it's a new type of alternate. Of not, then it's a type 1." Cesar said seriously. Mark sighed heavily "Just...get here quick...please, Cesar. I don't know how long I can take this." Mark said weakly.

Who are you talking to-to-to-to Mar-k? A voice asked through the door. No one is coming for you-you-you. The voice said in a threatening tone. Open the door, Mark.~ Mark turned to the door and spat at it. "Like I'm going to do that..." he muttered. "It's nice to know you're desperate." He said with a grin. "You messed with the wrong guy."

The alternate sighed to itself and leaned against the door. Do you honestly think you can be sa- a loud bang rang from the hallway into the bedroom. Mark jumped from the sudden noise. "Mark! Open the door! It's me!!" A scared voice cried through the door. Mark ran to the door and opened. The alternate was unconscious on the floor. "No time to catch up! CAR!" Cesar yelled as he grabbed Mark and ran to his car. Once they were both in the car, Mark found a water bottle and snatched it. He cried as he drank the water from the bottle.

Cesar sighed and smiled sadly. "I have snacks in the back seat..." he said quietly as they drove off. Mark sniffed and wiped his eyes, "Thank y-you, Cesar." He said eating some chips Cesar gave him. Cesar stared at the road with a tired and sad expression. "I'm so sorry, Mark. I should have shown up sooner. You probably hate me now-" Mark shook his head. "No...no no I don't. I'm just glad I got out of there. What would happen if I hadn't?" Mark chuckled. "I...don't want to think about that..."

"Me neither." Cesar said as he wiped his tired eyes. "Where to?" Mark asked as he looked at the enterance sign for Mandela County. "Anywhere far away from here." Cesar said with a smile. "Sounds good to me."

Hope you all enjoyed reading this! Have a good day!

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