Arc 1

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Cheetah × lion

The savannah was as hot as always. The river is drying faster, and many herbivores are fighting against predators who is an expert hiding in the dry grasses.

Ahiirah slowly approach the nearly drying river. The deers made a seperate road for her.

"Aish! Why cant these predators let us drink even in this hot weather!"

"Cub look out!"

"Gosh its too hot! I dont want to get chased in this weather!" a gazelle complained on the side.

Bluish eyes gave a glare as the gazelle retreated in the middle of the group.

Ahiirah lowered her head and slap her tongue on the brown water. It was not a fresh drink, but it was enough to quench the thirst that is making her throat dry.

Ahiirah's blue eyes are glowing as she stared at the murky water. Before the assaulter grab her, she jumped back with an unbelievable speed.

The crocodiles mouth snapped nothing but air. "Goddamit!" an angry curse rang as the crocodile twisted its body to return back into the river.

Ahiirah gave him a condensing glare as she trotted away with a calm face.

The group by the riverside followed the retreating figure with their gaze, and after making sure that she was gone, they finally relaxed their vigilance and lowered their heads to drink.

Ahiirah found her usual spot in the drinking site. Under the big rock, where the shade gave her enough cold to rest.

But she also have to be careful of the competitors, especially lioness'es. Lion's, hyena's, leopards,rhino's,elephants, giraffes,..

Even as a predator, cheetah is only known at its speed and ferociousness. But her small body can do nothing against these real kings of savannah.

Ahiirah has just left her mother as she reach her adulthood. Among the 4 siblings, only two of them survive.

Her other two siblings had been eaten by lionesses.

Lions are probably her mortal enemy in life.


The familiar sound of the kings made her immediately alert. She stuck out her head to stare at the coming group.

There are many prides in the savannah. But the strongest and biggest pride she has seen is ruled by Oscar, with his two brothers, with all over 12 lioness. And 8 cubs.

She immediately fled with her tail in between her legs.

"Go check the place." Oscar has the darkest mane of the older males in the pride.

And they are naturally territorial. Even though they dont want to leave the territory they had painstakingly grown over the months. They had no choice as the drought is becoming more deadly.

The grasses are nothing but dried and brown. The preys will cross to the other side of the river to look for green luscious grass.

And no prey, means starving for predators.

For ahiira..

It just has been two months since she left and seperated with her mother and sister.

Among the two, her mother worried about her the most. For her fur is eye catching, instead of gold or brown that blends with the sorroundings. She had white fur and black spots all over her body.

If she was not an excellent hunter, her mother would not let her go.

To be an excellent hunter, you have to learn to blend with your environment.

Which her fur made her always noticeable.

But her lack of skills in blending, her skills in other aspects like speed are perfected.

Ahiira has great prejudice and cautiousness if seeing a lion.

Like any other predators of savannah, she will have to cross the river too and find a spot to claim as her own territory.

But she had to do it while being careful of other predators.

The eye catching white figure caught oscars eyes. And he watch the other predator walk away.

Oscar look away and studied the herbivores watching them with wary eyes.

"The lions are here again.."

"They are not hungry for the time being, but just incase, still put the cubs in the middle of the herd"

"We have to go too.. The faster we leave the farther they are from us.." the first group of gazelle's immediately ran away.

Oscar is indeed not hungry. After feasting on a large prey, they had enough strength to continue traveling.

"Oscar.. The rain is coming soon" ameer's voice made him look up and saw the darkening sky in the distance.

"Its a good sign.. Everyone lets find a place to rest for the night." Oscar let the lionesses find a nest with the cubs in tow.


"Yah see that? Oscar has noticed the coming weather and decides to find a nest to rest for the night.." a blonde big man said in a low voice. His voice was full of excitement as he watch the lion in his telescope.

The comments are already turning crazy.

Fishda: 'Oscar is really a good leader. Im still not doubting that he will be the ultimate king of savannah! And come on! He is a lion!'

Ahmmhornee: 'Oscar is cool and such but im still betting on the crocodile. I mean that croc is so fucking huge! Even a oscar looks so small compare to him!'

Loveyrss: 'Its not that im judging or anything.. But dont u think that that rhino was cooler than these predators? Im even betting on that elephant to win the title'

Maybe people just became to bored, or maybe it was just for fun at first. James is an adventurer. And he likes  animals too much.

Because he is too rich. Or maybe just looking for something to do. He started a livestream that focuses on the strongest animals in savannah. In which many people are willing to watch unexpectedly.

The viewers will watch the life of these animals and the one who lives to the top will be proclaimed as the ultimate king of savannah itself.

Many people in different ages find this story and live stream very interesting.

The camera caught the white figure walking in the middle of the brown grass. Her fur is eye catching and magnificent.

Hirashi: Hey anchor! Look at that pretty cheetah! Why is her color so .. Different?

James used his telescope again and found the cheetah walking among the tall grass. "What beauty!" he exclaimed.

The cheetah looks like a snow leopard in one look if not looking very closely.

Janni: 'I know this! Apparently there is this rare thingy that happens... Ah.. What was it called again?'

"Its very rare, especially among cheetahs. Its called Albinoism. There are rare cases of humans having this too" james watch through his telescope as the elegant creature distanced herself from the big predators.

Clucking his tongue, james sighed. "Its lucky for us to see this beautiful creature today. I hope she successfully reach the other side.."

Hitman: 'Just a question anchor. Why do people like you like to study these animals, but do not help them when in crisis?'

James chuckled. "Oh i would love to help them. But.. Its considered.. Taboo in a way. Like the famous movie 'lion king' says. There is a circle of life. And we must not interfere to break the balance." James packed his telescope and faced the camera. "Thats all for today folks! I will begin the livestream again in 4!"

Then the camera closes.

James and his two guides began packing and started the engine of the car.

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